We had a Slovakian exchange student. She was ready to put the "gypsies" in concentration camps. (I put that in quotes because it's her terminology and I know that Roma is the preferred name)

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France: the country that once proposed a limit on non-white people on the national football team.

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Whatever happened to the pool boy?

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Not for nothing, but back in the day they were pretty enthusiastic about doing that back when there were concentration camps to send them to.

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Here's the thing, though - the 13 minutes of confrontation between the BLM protesters and Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the St. Louis couple, is on video.

Nobody enters their property and nobody threatens them. The protestors were passing by the McCloskey's house on the way to protest in front of the mayor's house. Mark and Patricia came out of their house - BAREFOOT, because they were too terrified to put on shoes? - with guns drawn, and yelled at the protesters. Then they lied their pasty white asses off to Fox News about how the Black "terrorists" threatened to kill them with murder.

As a side note, the McCloskey's neighbors despise them. They're litigious assholes, and deserve all the misfortune they've brought on themselves.

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Like that BLM gal said, "white people should be glad we're just looking for equality and not revenge."

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If this new campaign manager has half a brain, he'll never let that happen.

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Or Lars, the tennis instructor?

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I had to quit Nextdoor. I couldn't take the manufactured outrage and constant bitching about trivial bullshit.

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They're terrified of Mexicans, but they're suddenly committed to buying up all the Goya products to own the libs.

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She's holding that gun like it's a novelty cigarette lighter.

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"Ghislaine has been treated very unfairly, OK? Very unfairly! Nobody has ever been treated that badly, except me."

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Every room in the New York mansion had a camera.

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They've also sued everyone in the neighborhood, as well as family members. They're despised in St. Louis, and I hope their newfound self-imposed fame makes them absolutely miserable.

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In a way, I agree with you. If Hillary had won the electoral votes too, she would've governed responsibly and Moscow Mitch and Paul Ryan would've continued to use her as a foil. This white nationalism and racism are fevers that need to burn themselves out. Unfortunately, everyone suffers in the meantime.

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