I *hope* our votes matter. It's frustrating to think of what we have stacked against us - gerrymandering, coordinated voter suppression and disenfranchisement (coming from the GOP) and potential Russian fuckery. There's no possible way Russia's going to just sit out the mid terms. So, not only to we have to vote and win, we have to win overwhelmingly.

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Well I was commenting on LeftyWrights statement wherein he/she lays some blame for Trump being elected at the feet of Sanders because apparently he didn’t do enough to stop it. And well, the same can be said about the Dems. Obama’s administration knew what the Russians were up to and did nothing. Obama did some great things but he was far too passive in the face of the pure unadulterated crazyshitstorm coming from the GOP

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Republicans are too much in the kompramat to back any other horse but the big, fat, orange stupid one they rode in on.

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Two blaugards had me laughing the whole time. They do a bit about being so nervous at first communion and having fasted, the kid pukes it up in the yard! Then what do you do,? Pick it up? Put it in the trash? You can’t put the Holy Spirit in the trash! So funny, had my Jewish husband laughing too!

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I would just love it if one of these 'tards screaming BUT HER EMAILS! could point me to a single one that was in any way nefarious. They can't. Hillary's personal server was never hacked. The DNC's were, by stupid human error. But there has never been a smoking gun. The emails the Russians and Wikileaks and the RNC got are stunningly boring and mundane. Seriously, they are so fucking tremendously boring. So I'd love an explanation from pundits everywhere that talk about the breach of the DNC, why the fuck they never say there was nothing there. NOTHING. No attacks and stealing emails from the DNC and attempted attacks on Hillary's server found ANYTHING wrong.

Can I underscore this one more time? Despite their best efforts, the Russians and Republicans cyber -attacking Hillary Clinton's campaign came up with NOTHING. It is so fucking bizarre to me that the media acts like something devilish and incriminating was uncovered in the Russian hacks. NO THERE REALLY FUCKING WASN'T.

Nothing in the DNC hacks, nothing in Hillary's emails showed anything wrong or malign. Why doesn't our media ever make this really fucking clear? Seriously, Wikileaks got their hands on Podesta's risotto recipe. Why does the media continue to insinuate they got damaging information? Where is it? What info was so damaging? No one ver explains this. Hillary's campaign was actually run honestly and above board. They can leak all the emails, but they failed to find any crime, because there was no crime. It kills me tor read shit where it's assumed Hillary and her people's emails being leaked and exposed means anything at all. WHAT the fuck exactly in the leaks was so criminal? Absolutely nothing. What was so bad about Hillary's emails? Nothing, they were proper and ordinary and boring. But when the right wing wants to make someone a villain, they will. I just wish our "mainstream" media didn't go along with it.

You know what would be nice? If our media admitted on air that of all the pilfered and stolen emails, and the hype about it , Hillary actually did nothing wrong. Naw, won't ever happen. They spent months pretending her server was a real "controversy", now Trump is using an unsecured phone and blowing foreign dictator enemy Putin every chance he gets. This is sick wrong stuff.

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Evan, I can tell by your body language you're deeply angry, and I'm not even a dentist.

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I was watching that episode once and my mother was half paying attention and when that line came up, she laughed uncontrollably.

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"oh c'mon, just one little cake. You won't even know you're eating it. They've got...cocaine...!! No not cocaine, what am I on about. Raisins".

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Actually read that this will be one of Vlad's talking points - evil Bamz/Hillary are why you're suffering, Donaldovich. Let me fix it for you....

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Poster on Rick Wilson's twitter, having read the indictment, said: 'Aha! It is a -Vich hunt!' On a not-so-funny note, Freedom (hating) Caucus plans to have something on House floor by MONDAY urging impeachment of Rosenstein. This will trigger resistance plans in our area; anyone else? Bueller?Mueller?

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Executions first! Trials afterwards!

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MSNBC is playing Drumpf's "Russia if you're listening" clip nonstop. They should play this clip before it every single time they run it.

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The whole thing is Obama's fault. End of story. Time to snuggle with Putin.

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Forget Batman, where is the Punisher when you really need him.

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Wonder how long before Trump gets them out of jail pardon. His whole administration is a cancer.

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ROTFLMFAO. Proof ... what's that strange foreign concept?

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