That Obama roast of Trump was BRUTAL! so brutal it may end up leading to the end of the American Experiment, ultimately. BRUTAL.

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It's not Obama's fault that Trump has such a thin skin and vindictive nature.

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Anyway, that’s our theory. That Trump has never gotten over the way Obama humiliated him, and when Trump’s brain has reached full decomposition, just before that moment the last thought it will think will be about Obama.


...and it gets stuck there. Then he can die mad.

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"Also, and as reported, I just took a cognitive test as part of my Physical Exam, and ACED it."

Dang. I don't even brag about my SAT scores anymore.

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When would anyone, if they were normal, EVER feel the need to explain at length how they are not suffering from any memory issues. Unless they are.

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Snorting adderall and ozempic, has fried his brain too

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"I'm being SARCASTIC!"


"Did you like it? No? Then it was a joke."

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Pour one out for sarcasm, a comedic device which is challenging for many.

It is now deeply, and publicly, misunderstood by PAB.

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None of the right-wing chuds knows how to use it right.

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Yes, that is a quality I want in a President, someone in which we will never really know what he says is really serious or just joking. Har de har har.

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"I've outlawed the USSR. Bombing begins in 5 minutes."

GOPer borsht belt levels of humor.

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I've run across the "I'm being SARCASTIC!" thing before, when some asshole is just plain wrong. Hearing someone else use a term, imperfectly understanding it, and going on to misuse it, is SOP for the stupid person brain.

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PAB calling Biden crazy lol!

Not sure that the donald suffers from dementia but he's definitely demented and just congenitally stupid.

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You're an idiot, babe. It's a wonder that you still know how to breathe.

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He should seriously be put out to pasture, or processed in the glue factory!

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I'm very good at identifying sarcasm. His Orangeness isn't being sarcastic when he calls Biden Obama

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Pabs is just suffering from dumbentia. Nothing new to see here.

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You sure aced that one. /s

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Ron DeSanctimonious and his failing campaign apparatus, together with the Democrat’s Radical Left “Disinformation Machine,” go wild saying that “Trump doesn’t know the name of our President, (CROOKED!) Joe Biden. He must be cognitively impaired.”

jesushchrist... he is such a goddamned embarrassment.

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Okay, so

this is Rachel talking about disinformation


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If stringing together insulting adjectives was part of the cognitive test he might even pick up a few points, which he would immediately lose for fractured misuse of quotes and nonsensical capitalization.

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I went to the doctor last week and did my first minicog test. Drew the clock face, got my three words, put the time given on the clock, and repeated my three words.


Can I be presnident now?

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People know about this, right?

In terms of that whole "third party" thing, yes ...?


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You are not wrong. He never forgets even the smallest "slight," and he certainly will never forget or forgive Mr. Obama for mocking him. *He* is the only person allowed to mock others (like the handicapped).

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Give him a break. He was this dumb when his piece of shit father banished him to a boarding school in his teens. There's a difference between stupidity and dementia.

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"Boarding school"? That was 100% a reform school for incorrigible punks -- before it went bankrupt and was sold to the Chinese.

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As Elaine once said to Jerry, I think the transition to senility is going to be a very smooth one for Donald Trump.

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