Capitalising proper nouns is a very German writing style. And I know one of Trumps favourite books is written in German by an Austrian. I think I know where he picked up that habit.

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Since the Vulgar Talking Yam is only the second (Nixon was the first) President to be a criminal, I seriously doubt that the lack of immunity from crimin' is going to reverberate through history.

The problem is, every POTUS up until now has been law abiding (with the exception of Nixon--who was never indicted, thanks to Ford giving him a pardon for Watergate).

But the Yam is an actual criminal. He has committed felonies. He has been charged with felonies. He tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power. Election interference does not come under the purview of the President, so he can't claim that he was 'just doing his jerb and he needs to be immune.'

That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works.

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I do wonder how much of his Shitter feed he actually writes. While the incoherence is all him, I just can’t see him with the attention span to spend the 2 minutes it would take to type the gobbledygook. Does he have a staff weenie whose job is to channel the Assmouth? And how much therapy will THAT guy need over time?!?

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Ayup. The Founders didn't want another King George. This is clear to anyone with more than two firing synapses in their noodle.

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Actually, carefully limiting the power of the potus with several branches of government and numerous checks and balances is precisely what the Founding Fathers wanted. And they didn’t want religious fanaticism in politics nor did they want the loser of an election to simply ignore the outcome and squat in the Oval Office. But good try, Butthole!

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So if Joe has SEAL Team Six execute Trump, that can be a good test case.

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His words from March '20 'No, I don't take responsibility at all' are a few of the only true words he's uttered in decades and should be disqualifying on their own, plus of all the other alleged crimes we have seen evidence of. Vote 💙

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Feb 8·edited Feb 8

If Trump is insisting that he has presidential immunity from being charged with criminal acts, isn’t that in itself an admission that he committed criminal acts?

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Feb 8·edited Feb 8

Those random initial caps are so German. He might have picked that up from the only book* we’re pretty sure he owns.

* “Hitler: Speeches and Proclamations 1932–1945: The Chronicle of a Dictatorship”

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FFS - if you don't want to be charged for committing a crime, don't commit a crime, its not that hard people.

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Nixon used much the same line of argument. And like many of his defenses during Watergate, it provided bountiful comic relief. To name just one example: In a Doonesbury strip, Garry Trudeau has Nixon arguing, "It's not me I'm worried about -- it's future former Presidents!"

Little did Trudeau, or the rest of us, know that one day, a former President would actually be saying that -- and expect to be taken seriously.

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He really put the POS back in POTUS didn’t he?

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Feb 8·edited Feb 8

Republicans have achieved peak bullshit mountain on the border issue. If Biden issues an executive order, he’s a tyrant who is bypassing Congress. If he doesn’t, then he’s leaving the border wide open. Republicans want more funding for border security, but not if a Democrat can claim credit for it.

And all of this is to appease the orange man baby.

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Any time I read an article about Trump I find myself wishing Joe had Super Presidential Immunity Power

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If Presidential Immunity were what the Founders had intended, you'd think they'd not forget to write it down in some important document that others would read.

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Wait, if the President has absolute immunity, then what exactly is Trump planning to prosecute Bush, Obama and Biden for?

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