Trump Still Losing Heckuva Lot Of Primary Votes For Guy Running Unopposed
We'd be terrified if it was us.
At this point in the process, primaries seem like an afterthought. Both major parties’ candidates have sewn up their nominations, the rest is gravy. Did you even know there were presidential primaries last night? Probably not, unless you live in one of the states involved.
The big news is that the pattern is holding, and even this far into the game, Donald Trump is such a hated loser that A LOT of Republican voters — in every state! — are coming out to vote for literallyfuckinganybodyelse.
Does that terrify him for November? That should terrify him for November, especially with all the indictments.
Here are the results as they stand right this second for last night’s primaries:
Rhode Island: Trump 84.4 percent, Nikki Haley 10.7 percent, Uncommitted, 2.0 percent.
Connecticut: Trump 77.9 percent, Haley 13.9, Uncommitted, 4.8.
New York: Trump 82.1 percent, Haley 12.9 percent, Chris Christie 4.0, Vivek Ramaswamy 1.0. (Only 93 percent reporting in that one.)
Wisconsin: Trump 79.2 percent, Haley 12.8 percent, Ron DeSantis 3.3.
Wow! That is a lot of Republicans coming out to vote for candidates with zero chance of winning, long after the party has thrown in its lot with the loser with the million indictments and the liability for rape.
Know what we see? We see a "winner” who can’t keep his dick hard past around 80 percent or so.
Is Joe Biden still facing some protest vote? Sure. But in Wisconsin — the state among those up there that’s actually swingy — he won 88.6 percent last night. (There were 8.4 percent for “uninstructed” and 3.1 for LOL Dean Phillips.)
That’s a hell of a lot better position to be in than where Trump is, especially when you consider that the modern GOP is a death cult and the Democratic coalition is still basically a doggie daycare playground full of cats. (Biden won 91.5 in New York, an even stronger number.)
Last night, during one of his Hitler speeches and surrounded by cops, Trump babbled one of his dementia warnings that if he doesn’t win the presidency, there probably won’t be an America anymore. People are sharing the clip and exchanging the usual warnings of a wannabe dictator in the making. But remember that for Trump, everything is about him personally, and that in his mind, he is America. When bad things happen to him, bad things happen to America. If he loses and then goes to prison, then America loses and goes to prison.
That’s where we think his panty-pissing petrified brain is when he says things like that.
We might feel the same way if we were a many-times-indicted criminal who was still losing 20 percent of every primary vote this far into the game.
Sure wouldn’t want to change places with that fucking loser.
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WaPo had a list of all of Trump's former WH staff who detest him, yet 90% of them are still waffling and whinging when it comes to voting for Biden. "My party is an openly white supremacist gang of Brownshirt thugs in the sway of malevolent psychopath, but Biden wears orthopedic sneakers." Fuck all these people. If Trump wins another term, I hope they're the first ones he sends to the forced labor camps.
OT: Just want to say that I've never seen a community of non-commenting fools like this in the existence of the internet. You all look out for each other, and that's amazing. I can't tell you how many years it's been, but it has never changed. I found the good people on the internet. Full stop.