Guess the NYT isn't "Failing" any more. Or at least for a day.

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Speckgürtel FTW!

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Maggie Haberman is the Laura Loomer of the NYT.

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I think of her more as the sean hannity of the nyt

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A copy machine, a mimeograph machine, and a handheld recorder walk into a bar.

The bartender asks "What'll it be, Mollie Hankersore?"

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Yeah why on earth would DJT call a newspaper if they were failing?

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Gas? Turds? Priuses in the carpool lane?

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"Believe me, I'm rich and I pay all my bills.""Believe me, I'm the best in bed.""Believe me, I make the best covfefe."

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Anything Matador Humperknuckle writes should be pre-screened by that editor. Her track record really is that bad.

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Were it not for Wonkette, I wouldn't know there is a Maggie Haberman. I read the NYT for decades. I even paid for an online subscription.

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Haberman has no soul, no conscience. She's got a case of Maureen Dowdy Syndrome.

The election changed the Washington Post. Not the NYT. You can find straight Trump propaganda in the NYT Picks.

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Say... wasn't the NYT the paper who told us there was nothing to the initial Washington Post's story about Russia collaborators? I am having such a hard time remembering who tried to CYA for Trump before.

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... read this yesterday and thought... "well, as conspiracy theories go, I've read worse". http://www.palmerreport.com... The fact that I probably wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be true says a lot about the world I'm living in these days.

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... I didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the oh-so-generous ~$1,200 a year "windfall" that the lucky middle class *family* will be getting... not to mention the joyful manner ZEGS Ryan delivered that news. When he started listing all the wonderful things that could be done with that princely sum... I wanted to hurl something at the t.v. Then I remembered it's still not paid off and the warranty expired.

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... the same goes for actual rich people. I've heard it said that, in the circles of obscene wealth that have shunned the Dotard of Queens his entire life, it's considered extremely declasse to speak about personal wealth. They let their philanthropy do the talking.

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