This crap about a witness the defense didn't know about is just that, crap. Both the prosecution and the defense provide each other with a full list of their witnesses. Each knows who the other will be calling and when.
The Yam just doesn't get that he's on trial for criminal offenses, not civil ones, and that there are strict rules of criminal procedure that apply. He can whine and cry all he likes, but there's nothing unfair about this trial. If anything, Judge Merchan is bending over backwards to be fair to that Orange disaster.
as someone who has worked with abuse survivors, her story of unwanted sex scans. maybe she doesn't consider it rape, but it was not perfectly consensual
The power imbalance - with his bodyguard literally standing outside the door - alone is enough to tip it out of fully-consensual territory and into coercion.
Stormy did a good job. She didn't get tripped up since was truthfully laying out what happened. Truth may not be all that pretty but telling the truth is easier when it comes to testifying, no need to worry about keeping a bunch of different versions straight. Trump, on the other hand, can't take the stand. First question on cross will be "did you have sex with that woman?" He has to say NO to say consistent with his prior babbling. But that is a lie and his attorneys know that. Even more so when he would be asked about McDougal. As matter of legal ethics they can not let him testify since they know he will lie.
It means that she postponed a deadline for the defense to list the classified docs it intends to cite in trial, and has not yet given them a new deadline. So the trial is postponed indefinitely until she gets around to giving them a new deadline. Which she'll do eventually, after she's handed Trump as much a delay as possible.
I'm sorry but this is one of the reasons I've never really seen much appeal in porn, or anything involving sex workers. There is a coercive/abusive aspect to it that seems just inescapable. You have to keep wondering, Does this person really 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 to be doing this?
That aspect helped Trump believe he could get away with doing what he did to Daniels. Sadly, he was almost right.
American heroine Stormy Daniels. And E. Jean Carroll, of course. And every survivor he abused who has come forward. He’s traumatized every woman unfortunate enough to get in close contact with him and buried his first wife on a golf course. Will women end up saving this country (cult members like Aileen Cannon excluded of course)? Stay tuned to the next riveting chapter to find out.
And he paid big time
It’s the only time he never negotiated lower and paid way higher.
This crap about a witness the defense didn't know about is just that, crap. Both the prosecution and the defense provide each other with a full list of their witnesses. Each knows who the other will be calling and when.
The Yam just doesn't get that he's on trial for criminal offenses, not civil ones, and that there are strict rules of criminal procedure that apply. He can whine and cry all he likes, but there's nothing unfair about this trial. If anything, Judge Merchan is bending over backwards to be fair to that Orange disaster.
"If your opponent is of a choleric temperment, irritate him."--Sun Tzu
Sounds like the perfect way to handle Assface.
as someone who has worked with abuse survivors, her story of unwanted sex scans. maybe she doesn't consider it rape, but it was not perfectly consensual
The power imbalance - with his bodyguard literally standing outside the door - alone is enough to tip it out of fully-consensual territory and into coercion.
She. Was. 27.
Old Spice. More proof that Trump has a lot of class. Low class.
Wonderful recap!
That's a very bad graphic. She wasn't a "contractor" she was a pussy he grabbed. And "paid" isn't how it worked out either.
Nonstop-thirsty skank! I may have to change PAB to NTS!
Also, Stormy was only 27 when she met PAB?! She was a baby! HE WAS FUCKING 60 YEARS OLD!!! Of fucking course there was a power dynamic!
Stormy did a good job. She didn't get tripped up since was truthfully laying out what happened. Truth may not be all that pretty but telling the truth is easier when it comes to testifying, no need to worry about keeping a bunch of different versions straight. Trump, on the other hand, can't take the stand. First question on cross will be "did you have sex with that woman?" He has to say NO to say consistent with his prior babbling. But that is a lie and his attorneys know that. Even more so when he would be asked about McDougal. As matter of legal ethics they can not let him testify since they know he will lie.
Said it before, "telling the truth" is a great way to keep your head straight. Live a lie, die by the lie.
Hey Eric got something right!
Threatening a person to not tell their story and then offering them hush money to protect them but only if they sign a NDA is sure as fuck extortion!
Michael, I want a name.... a strong name.... a name that sounds like I have a giant cock...
How about Chuck Peters?
No, make it more like a guy who has a great moustache...
Rock Heston?
No, make it more like a pornstar name...
David Dennison?
Why weren’t they expecting her? Her name was literally on the witness list
THIS WHOLE TRIAL REVOLVES AROUND HER!!! If they didn't prepare for her testimony, that's on them!
How do you postpone a trial indefinitely? is this one of those decisions that can be overturned (please, please, please...)
Garland could drop the charges in Florida and then bring them back in DC. Easy peasy. He never should've filed the case in Florida in the first place.
Garland is a wild disappointment
It means that she postponed a deadline for the defense to list the classified docs it intends to cite in trial, and has not yet given them a new deadline. So the trial is postponed indefinitely until she gets around to giving them a new deadline. Which she'll do eventually, after she's handed Trump as much a delay as possible.
I thought there was some kind of lottery and Trump (just happened to) hit the jackpot with Cannon.
I bet the ketchup was flying last night 🤣
I pulled all my money out of tumbrels and put it in Heinz.
I'm sorry but this is one of the reasons I've never really seen much appeal in porn, or anything involving sex workers. There is a coercive/abusive aspect to it that seems just inescapable. You have to keep wondering, Does this person really 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 to be doing this?
That aspect helped Trump believe he could get away with doing what he did to Daniels. Sadly, he was almost right.
But so does every job. We're all being exploited so the oligarchs can burn the world down playing dress up and pretending to be serious people 🙁
American heroine Stormy Daniels. And E. Jean Carroll, of course. And every survivor he abused who has come forward. He’s traumatized every woman unfortunate enough to get in close contact with him and buried his first wife on a golf course. Will women end up saving this country (cult members like Aileen Cannon excluded of course)? Stay tuned to the next riveting chapter to find out.