Ta, Marcie. I'm listening to MSNBC's team talk about today's testimony.

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So, TFG's channeling Paulie Walnuts these days:

"He's about to have a friend for dinner! *elbow nudge* Did'ja hear what I said there? I said, 'He's about to have a friend for dinner!' *elbow nudge* Huh? Huh?"


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He did that with Hannity at that town hall where he said he would be a "dictator on day one."

BTW, did you know "Hannity" pops up on Google as "American writer"?


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"it was Melania who came up with the “locker room talk” line after the “Access Hollywood” story broke, and Melania who made sure Trump returned Cohen’s call about the porny payments, knowingly or not."


In case anyone still didn't know she's as big a snake as he is, or nearly so.

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I had never seen that particular Onion article before, and I must say I enjoyed it as I've enjoyed very few things since we all started riding that nuke down to earth.

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"Toe-to-toe with the Russkies" means something very different these days.

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Trump will be dead in 15-20 years?

Not so! Trump will outlive all of us, Mr. Cheeseburger/Diet Coke/High Blood Pressure himself! He’s kept alive by one thing…the thirst for revenge on all of the people that he thinks put the bag on him.

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"Women will hate me," he said. Dude, it isn't because you're fucking around on your wife that we hate you.

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He was right about the MAGA "guys" thinking it was cool - or at least excusing it. What a self-own.

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well, sure - what MAGA guy wouldn't be okay with fucking around on your wife with an adult film actress? MAGA guy wet dream there...

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“All the stuff” meant that mystery box of whatever other records of Trump misdeeds they thought Pecker might have. Trump had been mis-deeding so long, there could’ve been anything in there!


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All that stuff, I'm convinced, is sitting next to Ivana's ashes where the sun don't shine.

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"Maybe he gets hit by a truck" !!!?????

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Would be a shame but you never know. Nice guy like that, just walking down the street one day and blam, run over by a truck.

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Those Stern clips are something else. Was there really a time when PAB's misogynist musings were 'entertaining'?

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I bet Cohen spends a lot of time wondering how his life would have been different if he hadn’t agreed to screw his old law firm and go work for Satan.

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Choices, decisions, consequences. He chose poorly.

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Liz Cheney:

Have to admit I’m surprised that @SpeakerJohnson wants to be in the “I cheated on my wife with a porn star” club. I guess he’s not that concerned with teaching morality to our young people after all.


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Good point, Liz.

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" yet still have a redemption arc, "

Scene: Cohen at the Pearly Gates in front of St Peter.

St Peter: Reading Big Ass Book. "Brahahahahahahaha!"

Cohen : Whut? Whutzo funny? I still get in right?

St Peter: "Brahahahaha!"

Cohen: "But I was on a redemption arc!"

St Peter: "Brahahahaha!"

Cohen: "So whutz dis gonna cost me?"

St Peter: "Brahahahaha" (Points to red chariot behind him.)

Lucifer driving chariot " Sir, your ride is here."

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So Birther Trophy Wife came up with "locker-room talk" huh? That's really something! Kinda feels like it's ballgame there with all the texts going back and forth to Michael Cohen from her.

I love how there's always a fresh set of non-family toadies to sit in the audience, trying to curry favor with President Klan Robe's fetid, braying supporters. They're all so fake. They all deserve one another. Hahahah hope Speaker Covenant Eyes doesn't end up being embarrassed by more details coming out yet supporting him...oh wait, Lying for Jesus is fine. Because lying for President Klan Robe is tantamount to the same thing. Never mind.

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Someone remarked that he's turned the trial into an Apprentice-style veepstakes reality show by who shows up to support him.

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What comes to my mind, Drumpf's reported original plan would probably have worked. There's a quality of Nixon, addicted to intrigue, except vastly less intelligent.

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@marcie - was that a MARBLE COLUMNS reference? <heart>

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"Guys, do you think it’s cool?"

Well, I HAD thought that it was mostly immaterial insofaras it was between consenting adults, unless Melania wasn't OK with him getting it on the side, in which case it was just more of his general sleaziness. But I have since become hep to the business negotiations ongoing during the encounter, and given the power imbalance, I am not convinced that the consent was enthusiastic on one side in particular.

So no, I am not OK.

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Here at the Wonkette Emporium of Non-Comments, we do have a better class of men. Not perfect (but then, the distaff side isn't either), but definitely a higher percentage of perceptive and intelligent humans.

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