Adding the unnecessary colorful language does not help reading your viewpoints. The facts of this whole ordeal are sufficient "entertainment ". Regarding the Netflix series comment from eddi-SABH, I'm ready for it.

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Just watched Powell plead guilty. I wish that she got harsher penalties, but the things she said yes to were delicious. No 5th amendment. She has to keep her mouth shut unless she's in court. She has agreed to testify truthfully against all of the other defendants.

I'm okay with this.

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I'd still like to see a LITTLE jail time to go with the probation.

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That's how you get the big fish in these cases. Now we wait to see how long it takes Kemp to realize he'd just be shivving himself if he decides to go after Fani Wallis with the new law.

She's clearing the Republican Party of their greatest impediment of ever moving forward, and all he has to do is... nothing.

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This is going to make a great Netflix series in about ten years.

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Netflix still existing in 10 years is not certain.

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Someone will do it though. It's far too tasteless for Hollywood to ignore.

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wait, so she flipped before Jenna Ellis? Or is that a different case? Honestly I cannot keep them all straight in my head.

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There will be others flipping like crazy. I guess going to jail for this asshole isn’t a great use of their time. It’s starting to dawn on these idiots since the cost to defend themselves certainly isn’t being paid by their leader. See also Mike Linden, Roodles.

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There it is!!! Flippity-do-dah!!!! Here we go!

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And thus shambles off The Kraken into obscurity. . .

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She is not allowed to contact other defendants but is she required to contact prosecutors if another defendant attempts to contact her?

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Guess who hasn't talked to Sidney in who knows how long but just felt the need to check in with her, see how she's doing?

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Remind her how they did things in the Roman Empire. Like they told Frank Pentangeli.

Bath night.

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Since terms of her plea deal is to testify against other defendants, if they contact her now that could be witness tampering.

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I wonder what other loud-mouthed, overly orange-bedaubed Defendant(s) might try to contact her.

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Re: Rachel & Sidney - I, too, am a Powell on Mom’s side. These trollops have brought shame upon the tribe. We are overjoyed to see them face, what at least passes for, Justice.

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I just for fun looked up the etymology of "Powell" and it is a patronymic, and "comes from the patronymic tradition of Wales, and refers to someone who is the son or descendant of Hywell or Howell."

Which is a little weird because I come from a town called "Howell."

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So if all PAB's lawyers are pleading guilty or are found guilty of criming what does that do for a potential "relying on advice of counsel" defense for PAB in the future?

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I told my Trumpy Neighbor about Sidney Powell's guilty plea.

She commented, "It's a shame that people can't get along."

What she means by this is that she thinks all the RICO charges should have been dropped against all defendants.

I said, well, they shouldn't have lied about the election.

This made Trumpy Neighbor defensive, because she is still having trouble admitting that all the election fraud claims were bullshit. So she started attacking "those women in the White House," meaning Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, for not being more supportive of Israel.

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Unless pursuing a doctorate in abnormal psychology, I’d be totally incapable of engaging with ‘Trumpy neighbor’ - even if she had a cute dog, kept her yard nice and made a perfect coffee cake. Get enough crazy vicariously, without dealing with it in person.

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The problem is that a lot of them are perfectly nice folks as long as you talk about other shit.

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That's true. She IS perfectly nice and you'd never know she holds these weird beliefs if you talk about anything else.

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I have found this undying loyalty to these power obsessed Republicans borders on mental illness. I think MAGA folks are being fed information directly and discretely from people they feel are important and it makes them feel special.

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I think that's an important point. Trumpy Neighbor still thinks there's some sort of Deep State plot which caused the election to go for Biden. Commiserating with fellow believers DOES make her feel special.

Thank you for that insightful comment.

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re: "Insiders and reporters like Haberman being 'blindsided' by Powell's plea deal" (https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/world/trump-insiders-blindsided-by-sidney-powell-plea-deal-nyt-s-maggie-haberman/ar-AA1iwoe9?ocid=entnewsntp&cvid=d2f9ac55862241ca8d94914c9eec5557&ei=8)

This just tells us that the prosecutors have a tight seal on everything about the investigations into Trump. They are total professionals and are not fucking around.

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Well, Powell clearly didn't tell Trump so how could Haberman have possibly known about it? Yeah, I'm never giving Haberman a break, ever.

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No need to give Haberman a break. Powell was likely told to keep her yap shut under penalty of being jailed and the loss of her deal.

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Lemmings off a freaking cliff. Everyone who gets in bed with Trump ends up screwed and yet they keep doing it. What is it about Cinnamon Hitler that makes so many people want to ruin their reputations?

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The leopards will never eat THEIR faces...

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And in other clusterfuck news, one of dipshit’s lawyers in the DC case isn’t a member of the bar there, and can’t play.


Only the best people. It is to laugh.

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I assume you’re referring to John Lauro, who is admitted to practice in the DC District Court (the case pending before Judge Chutkan). But he’s NOT admitted to practice before the DC Court of Appeals, which matters because he just filed a notice of interlocutory appeal of Judge Chutkan’s limited gag order.

At the federal level you need to be admitted to practice in both the district court and the appellate court. It’s usually just a matter of paperwork and showing that you’re a lawyer in good standing wherever your admitted.

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Poor form nonetheless.

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Indeed. When I was a babby lawyer, one of the first things I did after being admitted to practice in the state courts of Texas was to get admitted to practice in each of the 4 federal districts (North, South, East & West), plus the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. Some courts are fairly easy to gain admittance, while others have more stringent requirements that can take a bit more time.

For Lauro to be admitted in DDC, but not the DC COA, is just dumb. Especially because he was obviously anticipating the need to file various appeals from the very start.

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MAGA Haberman has a scoopity-doop, y'all:

𝙏𝙧𝙪𝙢𝙥 𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙨𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙙 𝙗𝙮 𝙎𝙞𝙙𝙣𝙚𝙮 𝙋𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙡𝙡 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖 𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙡: 𝙉𝙔𝙏'𝙨 𝙈𝙖𝙜𝙜𝙞𝙚 𝙃𝙖𝙗𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙣


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Haberman and The PAB's advisors were taken by surprise? Why? Did they believe Powell had an obligation to tell them first before going into court?

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The prosecutors are running a tight ship and there are no leaks. This is what scares Trump the most -- the lack of information. He can't prepare for what he doesn't know and he can't bash the prosecution when there is no information other than official filings. He's pissing his pants at what Powell will say. And guess what? The prosecutors already know exactly what Powell knows and will say.

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This is good news for the manufacturers of tacky leopard-print clothing.

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