America is not (currently) led by Americans! Now we're being led by Putin's Puppet!

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The other 0.4% abstained because they didn't understand him. Their translators were laughing too hard.

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Don't forget the idiots who voted for him.And the idiots who voted third party.And the "conscience voters" who wrote someone in.And the people who left the top of the ballot blank ("I just couldn't vote for 'Hillary' ")And the people who voluntarily didn't vote. (See below)


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But look at it this way -- wouldn't it be infinitely worse if they took him seriously? Think about it.

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And any of them who don't vote richly deserve to be laughed at the first time they complain about the consequences.

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Thank you so much for sharing that.

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With trump and the Republican circus in town, I've no doubt I will.

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Phasars on stunning....

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Please! Think of the poor, honest snakes! They would not donate voluntarily.Cockroach ichor is much more appropriate.

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Not his blood. His blood type. Can you imagine Trump giving blood?

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His vision has deteriorated since he looked at the eclipse.

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Oh good, so Muslims and Sikhs and pagans and anyone who doesn't follow a Judeo-Christian path can now look forward to 100% protection under the law from this administration, right Donald?


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