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Forgot to mention that most of that aid money COMES from blue states because that is where things are and where people want to be.

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Ummm… Fuck that guy.

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At least actual Mafiosi wear suits that fit them properly.

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I'm watching it right now.Is Jason Bateman the love child of Dennis Quaid and Charlie Sheen?

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My Dad is an elderly cigar smoking Guido who has lived in NJ his entire life.Since he's getting on in years, I try to call home frequently.Me [on phone]: I can't BELIEVE nobody's taken a shot at that asshole yet!Dad [unimpressed]: Meh, he could always... "fall down a flight of stairs".

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Paul Bunyan?

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And that's before we even TOUCH the subject about how the red states have been taking blue state handouts, literally for DECADES.

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He doesn’t understand that the point of providing basic income to people during a pandemic is to KEEP THEM HOME, not to encourage them to go back to work. Also, payroll tax cuts are useless if you aren’t receiving a paycheck because your employer is shut down because of said pandemic.

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ALWAYS let the perfect be the enemy of the good!

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FOr real? Now if only every outlet would just straight up call him out for being a lying liar.

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Trump's mouth vs. what officially comes away from his desk are different because he is a coward. He doesn't want to accept any responsibility for his dumbass decisions so he sends out orders that hand off the real decisions to the next guy.

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So the next guy takes the fall for Dear Leader when Dear Leader's plan blows up in Dear Leader's face because Dear Leader is the 63,000,001st biggest moron in the country, behind the 63,000,000 morons who voted for him. (Yes, I'm rounding off, because I'm too damn lazy to look up the exact number. Laziness is one of the few things I have in common with Dear Leader.)

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I can't speak for others, but my take on Kavanaugh was not that Ford was definitely telling the truth (it is of course possible she was lying, or embellishing, or mis-remembering, and of course possible that her account was true) but that she deserved to tell her story free of harassment (she had to move thanks to death threats) and her story deserved to be taken seriously. My beef was with the Senate trying to rush through a foregone nomination rather than even question witnesses.This situation is different as there is no formal forum (like the Senate) or investigating authority (like the FBI with Kavanaugh) but teh same general rule applies--listen to the story, obviously don't threaten Reade, but there's nothing wrong with questioning parts of her account that seem suspect. And I hate to admit it but yes, even if I thought her story was completely true, her timing means we either vote for Biden anyway or lose to Trump--there's simply no way to get another person in there without severely splitting the party (no primary votes, etc.) so the time to have done this was a year ago, not now. It sucks--there's no "good" time for coming forward--but we are right now staring down a monster with a growing daily death toll. That means, even if--IF--Biden is guilty, get him elected and then work to get him replaced with his VP.

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And maybe a strap-on also too!

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