And her clothes fit.

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At some point, the rage, stress, fear, drug abuse, and whatever inherited conditions he has will just pop his cork. He'd have to be super human to resist all that, and the jury's still out on whether or not we're going to classify him as human.

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I see Trump leaving a trail of debris behind him. Whatever he has in his hand, the moment it's no longer important, gets set down, discarded, dropped, whatever. He's got a woman who follows him around the golf course printing out articles praising him, I figure he's got someone following him around gathering up all his castoffs and seeing that it all gets back where it's supposed to be.

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All of their texts probably start out, "Careful what you say here. It might be construed as wire fraud."

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Or the second book in a seven-volume fantasy series.

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Only if it was in an Egg McMuffin.

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I assume he was suggesting Joe was showing the docs to Chinese spies. You know, like everyone assumed Trump showed his to the Russians who buy off him.

Real estate. I meant the Russians who buy real estate from him. My office is on the second floor, and there's a, gulp, window.

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And wasn't that nice Mr. Cohn involved in that also, too?

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So, he's just another snowbird?

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i assume the question about did Trump grift money with the big like is also rhetorical, for the same answer

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Wait until it types, "I'm sorry, Dave, I can't fucking do that."

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he'll use that as an excuse as to why he lost the next election - cos he was tied up in court and couldn't campaign

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buy a seatbelt for your desk chair

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DID he scam his donors, past tense?Hell, he's STILL shaking a tin cup at them.My hubby* got like five emails today alone.

*who loathes TFG as much as I do, but set up a fake email under a pseudonym so we can laugh ourselves silly at messages that start out, "Fred W. Kissmyass, the situation has never been more urgent!!"

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