I’ve actually become more sanguine about the law NOT closing in on PAB suddenly, like a bear trap. Watching it happen in plain sight, with the trap’s teeth slowing piercing his flesh and hearing the howls of pain as he tries to gnaw off his own limbs (well, reading about it here) is much more entertaining.

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Belly too small, also too.

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do the staff who work on prosecuting murderous mob bosses not have their identities protected? Let no one EVER forget for a moment that we are dealing with a thug who has a vast horde of violent crazies at his beck and call, and all levels of law enforcement are compromised by infiltration. The rot is deep and wide; the whole country is like a fucking haunted house, with psychopaths lurking in the dark.

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cry harder, asshole

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Trump may have even waved off his own lawyer from looking for classified documents in his office, AKA the bridal suite at Mar-a-Lago, which sure does sound intentional, if proven trueFuckery in the Bridal Suite!!!

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He scares the shit out of me and I ain't done nuttin'.

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That TFG can betray the country so casually is unsurprising. What shocks me now and then is how readily others take part.

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But we're not in a civil war or reign of terror or anything, right?

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He has no friends, no lovers, no work colleagues who respect him; his family clearly loathes and fears him (with good reason), and he dislikes his cult followers.He never goes anywhere, never does anything, has no interests, never reads a book, and never laughs except maliciously.He is an empty shell.

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a mirrorball of malice

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Bob Dole likes this.

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I'm going to hell for laughing at that.Totally worth it.

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The most pathetic thing about this is that the Trash Palace doesn't really have a bridal suite that doesn't include TFG.

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I still gotsa wonder who's gonna put the vice on PAB's nuts first.

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Greed is Good.Friedman said it.GOP lives it!

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