Dick Clark just gave it a 98

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A cat-lover friend of mine who has a beautiful 19-year-old HImalayan in ill health, is assuming the worst, so she is searching for her next kitteh. She found this Bengal cat - which is a breed that somehow was bred down (carefully, I would imagine) from Bengal tigers. Sumatran tigers are a subspecies of the Bengal guys. So, if we can breed the tigers down, can't we breed them back up?

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In fairness and possibly because of the accent, the call-center folks probably meant MPGA!

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You just summarized Elizabeth Warren's entire platform

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What gets me about the "originalists" on the Supreme Court is that they claim they can somehow divine the original intent of the Founding Fathers - apparently by reading tea leaves or your common sheep entrails. I'm pretty sure I don't need no stinkin' divining on this point. The original intent of the Founding Fathers, brilliant as they were, was that they absolutely never imagined that women or blacks could someday vote.

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I would definitely vote against any candidate who proposes a dildo registry. With all the dildos I have, registering them all would be an undue burden on my freedom.

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I certainly join you in the resistance against the jack-booted thugs who would take away our dildos. By the way, prying them from your hands is definitely better than some other options I can think of.

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Agreed from personal experience. If we get that federal crime enacted, can we please reanimate Oral Roberts so that he could face trial?

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I feel like I've missed my calling...I could be scamming stupid Trumpsters out of 10's & 20's on a daily basis by promising to collect money on behalf of "The President's Re-Election" and live happily ever after.

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On the one hand, its a shame when people get robbed. On the other hand, they're Republicans, so fuck them.

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These people are known in sales circles as wool jackets. Because they are fleeced easy.

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Can we see an accounting of how much of the money Pat Robertson gets from old ladies social security checks is actually spent on actual Godly works? (Buying disposable slaves to dig for blood diamonds doesn't count.)

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Lock him up and throw away the key forever.

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Attempted Grifting? Got no meme for that... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Family of Trump.

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The recent Wisconsin Supreme Court election is proof of that.

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