Shhhhh... the last few years should have taught you that the universe takes statements like that as a "hold my beer" kind of challenge.

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As I have said many times, literally the only thing anyone needs to know about Trump is that this person is his chief "spiritual advisor."

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That ain't right: evangelical credit union

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Chris Rock, in his VO commentary on "Everyone Hates Chis" once told a story about his uncle; said uncle was torn between placing a bet and paying his electric bill. The uncle decided to go ahead and make the wager. The uncle's rationale was "Hey, you can't double your money paying no light bill."

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Our Lord Mammon is pleased.

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One time when I was working in retail I was waiting on a fundy minister when my boss spotted him. He came over and very quietly reminded the Rev. that the church's account was getting mighty close to 90 days in arrears. The Rev's reply, of course, was not to worry, that "God will provide." This raised the Boss' hackles a bit and his retort was less quiet this time: "Next time you're talking to your God, tell him I'm about to turn his ass over to the constable for collection."

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I'm a Christian and I guess I should ask forgiveness for her sins and pray for her and all but....naw, fuck that noise, and fuck her with a sawzall of justice and votes and eternal damnation. I've got no sympathy for grifty charlatans like this, stealing from the sick and the old- like Bono the God I believe in isn't short on cash. This lady, the Osteens, and all those other prosperity gospel fuckers should be loaded onto a boat of stone with sails of lead and cast off with a pyroclastic flow as their wind and hell as their first and only port of call.

Maaaaaybe that makes me a bad Christian. I dunno. I'll leave it for others to judge and decide.

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Also a defender of traditional marriage: her three, Trump”s three,Giuliani’s three, Limbaugh’s four....

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churches that endorse political candidates can get into trouble with the IRS

I'll believe that when it actually happens.

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Flip Wilson played a recurring character on his show, The Reverend Leroy of "The Church of What's Happening Now".

In my favorite sermon, he told the congregation, "You can't take it with you. But if you give it to me, it'll be waiting for you when you get there"

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There were churches in Pasadena threatened to lose their tax exempt status under W because they were preaching against war.

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CU's have their own insurance pool (I believe). So yes, everybody got to pitch in with lower savings rates.

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Praise Ra, brother. You are no longer rejecting the daily gift sent by the sun god.

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Hate would be an emotion, which should not be wasted on their ilk.

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I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest that the poor people getting scammed out of their life savings by televangelists are not the same rich dominionist politicians enforcing their theocracy on us.

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A monthly 20% tithe for Paula White on a recurring basis will help her do the Lord's work and in this case the Lord's work is to purchase a third vacation home for Paula White.

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