Interesting that he considers demographic change a critical issue. Sorry, pal, white people aren't going to be the majority forever.

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That;s a very real possibility. Another I can think of is the upcoming Smartmatic lawsuit, and dog-knows-what they'll find in discovery. Fox might have calculated the risk/reward prospect of keeping tucker on and decided whatever they find might be incredibly damaging. They may be trying to get ahead of that by at least looking like they just found out and let Tucker go to look better to the court and to the public

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I like the bare wood at the corner of the "room," we did better with set construction for my 8th grade play.

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And so there Tucker sat in the retro outdoorsy studio he constructed near his house in Maine so he could do his shows during the pandemic.

Now, did Tuckums pay for that studio out of his own pocket, or did Fox pay for it? If it's the latter, some bean counter at Fox may see that podcast, wake up, and realize that Tuckums is using Fox equipment for his personal project.

Rupert'll have a truck up there in a flash to reclaim his property.

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Santos will actually have present a birth certificate that proves he was born in the United States. He's apparently claimed in the past he was born in Brazil.

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A few, but it's 97% corn/soybeans.

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Don't forget Junior!


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Tell her that your friend on Wonkette lives in a world where God is in charge and she should join me. It's really quite pleasant.

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Oh noes! What about white men?When their overwhelming majorities became, not minorities, but just slightly less overwhelming majorities, a bunch of them lost their shit and attacked the capitol.

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"Will Tucker ever be Tucker again? Is there a testicle tanner powerful enough to restore him to his former glory?" Haw haw! We can only hope not! I thought the ball-tanning thing last year might be a the beginning of the end for people taking him seriously. Both gross and profoundly stupid.

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Sir, you know you’re in a Mickey Dee’s, right? https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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In 1 year people will be saying Tucker who, especially when the latest vile specimen of humanoid slinks into Fox to take over his slot. Good Lord I'd hate to see the replacement,

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Gawd, more poor neurons!

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Indeed, can't be anything he said--likely something he did that could cost them money.

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