Tucker So Mad Tyrant Joe Biden Executing Everyone For Questioning Brazilian Election Results
Mean old Joe.
Far-Right extremist Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is privately telling his confidants that "it's over," even as some of his supporters are continuing to do their best to try to January 6 their country into oblivion. He's not conceding that he's lost his election to Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, AKA Lula, but he knows he's leaving.
But there is one concerned citizen — of America, not of Brazil — who is still refusing to let it go, and it is Tucker Carlson. We guess anytime a rightwing extremist authoritarian is scorned anywhere in the world, Tucker feels it deep in his bones and in his heart and in his shrill yelping vocal cords.
Now, let's get one thing out of the way: If you surveyed Tucker Carlson's white supremacist American viewers and asked them to find Brazil on a map, some of them would likely point at Mexico, some would make jokes about Brazilian waxes, some would just stand there with their mouths open and wait for you to say a word they understand, and still others would point at their own buttholes with an inquisitive look on their faces. Brazil really probably isn't high on most of their lists.
But for Tucker, this is very important stuff.
"If you care about democracy," Tucker said last night, you need to become a Brazilian election denier. We guess he forgot to say the word "destroying" in that sentence, he is very forgetful.
TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): According to official tallies, a convicted criminal
Guess it isn't convenient for Tucker's current purposes to tell his viewers that the prosecution of Lula was bullshit and one of the main journalists who exposed that is named Glenn Greenwald.
and avowed socialist called Lula da Silva beat the incumbent president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, by a narrow margin this weekend. And yet millions of Brazilians — millions — don't believe that's what actually happened.
Millions of MAGA Americans are also very stupid.
Bolsonaro himself has not conceded. There are protests all over Brazil right now. You're seeing some on your screen right now. There are questions about whether all the ballots had been counted. Why so many were thrown out. Millions. And whether election laws were violated in the process.
The January 6 terrorists also had questions and protests and believed things the rightwing media told them about election law violations and so forth.
So we can't render judgment on those questions, but if you care about democracy, if you think the process is essential, then you would look into those allegations. Anything less is not a democracy.
If you don't refuse to accept the results of elections where far-Right democracy-hating extremists lose, you hate democracy. Got it.
And yet what's interesting, and maybe a point of concern for the rest of us here in the US, is that you are no longer allowed to ask questions about this election in Brazil. And you're not allowed, because the Biden administration doesn't want you to.
Joe Biden will execute you on sight if you ask questions about Brazilian democratic processes. This is a thing we know.
That's true.
It's true.
( We've talked about Tucker's "it's true" nervous tic.)
YouTube, which has functioned for the last two years as an arm of the Biden administration,
HunterVision, most people call it these days.
has announced it is censoring any posts in Brazil that question the election results. Brazil's courts have also rejected any inquiry into the election.
Brazilian courts and Joe Biden's YouTube, they're in on this together.
In fact, a Supreme Court judge in Brazil has also ordered social media companies to remove any social media posts that questions the outcome. Overwhelming censorship in a, quote, "democracy" preventing people from asking questions about how the, quote, "democracy" functions.
You betcha.
We hate how Tucker is going to probably have to abandon this very important story about the end of democracy in Brazil on November 8, when it's time for democracy to end in the United States again. He's been telling his viewers in advance that Democrats stole all the midterms, after all, and if you question him, you obviously hate democracy.
It's just true. All of this is just true.
[ Media Matters ]
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Why are things that are just true all so obviously false?
"It's true!" is like making up high percentages to bolster your argument. Red flag to everyone, except Tucker suckers. BUTT HE SED IT TRU!!
Just like "The fact of the matter is" always proceeds some asshole's opinion, and never "fact."