As an old fart I like the discount idea. Dispensary prices here are prohibitively expensive.

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There are always a lot of 55 and over (including me!) when I go to the dispensary.

There is a high correlation of tie-dye, as well!

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Moar pls.

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Weed either!

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Old Mac Donald had a farm,E-I-E-I-O.And on that farm she had a dog(whistle),E-I-E-I-OAnd that dog(whistle) said, "Ni-Clang!"

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When you give people openings...


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William Randolph Hearst was behind the criminalize pot move because hemp was competing against his lumber holdings. Harry Ainslinger, who'd been instrumental in getting Prohibition passed, was hanging in the wind with its repeal and looking for a new issue to stay relevant with, so deep pockets Hearst grabbed him.

They got the racist southern politicians on board (Democrats, at that time) by assuring them that the users of marijuana who would be hurt by the criminalization were black and brown, so there was no problem getting them on board.

The rest, as they say, is history.

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When I got my medical marijuana card, I told my father, and his first question was, "Is it addictive?"

I wanted to say, "I've been smoking it since 1973, and I never got addicted."

I just said no.

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Is there even such a thing as treatment for marijuana addiction? Who checks into Betty Ford for that?

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She says that like it's a bad thing.

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The development of jazz was set back a forgotten amount of time.

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Never said that I am a Genetically Hardwired Reefer Addict. But I didn't say I was not, either. so there!

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I blame that crazy jazz hip-hop music that those young Black folks are so fond of.

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It is extremely rare, but a few kids have needed support treatment after they ate a dozen or so pot gummies or a whole bare of weed chocolate. Mostly from a panic reaction, it guess, but there is also toxicity involved.

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