Tuckyo Rose went to Trinity College because all the frozen food money in the world couldn’t get that mediocre POS into an Ivy League school.

And he only got into Trinity by dating the dean’s daughter.

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He’s probably reading the Morning Service-which is available in various versions. Maybe he’s looking at one with Ukrainian translation.

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LSAT's are an admissions test (hence the, well, name...) so this is just dog-whistling that she only got in at all through affirmative action.

They were prepared to pick apart her legal training and judicial experience but now that that is difficult they are conceding those but saying that she never deserved to reach them in the first place.

BTW - I not only love that her name is Ketanji because it a name chosen for her out of pride in her ancestry but because similar names only started to get popular in the 70's so it is a great reminder that she is young and will be on the Court long after, say, Thomas is dust.

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FWIW, graduating at Harvard Law School as Magna Cum Laude is HARRRRDDD.

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The ruble is so devalued that those taxes would be minimal.

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AND his tax returns

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Buck Sexton. Now THERE'S a right wing name! Also, LaPierre sounds (gasp) French!

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Her LSATs? He wants to see her LSATs? Sounds reasonable. Let’s get a gander at Donald Trump’s test scores while we’re looking. To level the playing field, we’ll accept any test score or transcript from any part of Trump’s post high school education. Hell, just his GPA, or the sign-in sheet from the day he theoretically took the SAT.

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Your honor.

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"Hruska the Cornhusker." Thank you.

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But, but, but affirmative action!!!!!!!!/s

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After a deposition, one of the bank creditors stiffed by Chump in BK said he didn't think Chump had ever taken a business course in his life. His ignorance was astonishing. Of course, this does make one wonder why they loaned him the money in the first place...

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Never forget - half the people in America are of below-average intelligence!

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She needs to show her Long Form LSAT's!

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Because he's stupid, he just never got caught holding the bag.

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She's prettier, too.

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