Call it Tuckercarlsoning. Or call it Hate-articulation-for-Group-happiness. Or, Hate-speak to gun-shot.

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Given that DePape is Canadian I wonder how long it will be before someone comes up with a conspiracy theory that Justin Trudeau is somehow involved. Because lots of American right wingers dislike Trudeau. Like the joker who was babbling last week about the "Angel of Death" coming to get various people.

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True. One of the first people I knew to go Q-crazy was an old pal from the punk rock/rivethead scene, and I don't mean a skinhead sort - more like Bauhaus and Ministry. Another one who went down the anti-vax slippery slope is a Renn Faire buddy who otherwise seemed pretty tuned in and together (tho I think there might've been an overdose of Vitamin D involved there, and I don't mean the little oil filled capsules). Point being, it can really strike anywhere.

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Flat Simba! Hammy must have cranked the heat.

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It isn't enough that the GOP holds a legislative supermajority on 45% of the state's vote totals, or basically the bulk of the northwoods & white flight vote. They have to strut around like the backyard wrestling heels they are.

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A few moments later, Tucker said "there's no such thing as hate speech," only "speech people hate, usually the people in power."Which is why so much hate-speech is directed at the powerful, rather than the powerless. 🙄🖕

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Bring out the lutefisk and the demons nope the hell out of there.

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The GO FUCK YOURSELF! Gospel Choir was one of his crowning moments.

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Didn't they make these loans like a week ago? It's not like drastically new information has emerged since then.

This was all foreseeable, and most was actually foreseen.

If they're going to lose money on it, it's is absolutely, 100% their own fault.

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No such thing as hate speech.Hold a seance, raise the ghost of Adolf Hitler, and tell him that, Carlson.He will be gratified to know it.

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MAGA is the new counter-culture.

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Shrink, hell. Who do you think taught them how to make jello and hot dog salad?

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That chicken's dead and decomposing, and after Tucker finishes fucking it it's going into someone's Swanson microwave dinner.

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I always thought that if the Jews, at 1 percent of the German population, were so powerful they could control the entire country, then clearly they were the master race, not the "Aryans."So if the Republican not-hate speech is directed at trans people, who are a much tinier percentage of the population, then trans people must be the superior group of people. Seeing as how they have decided to direct sooooo much not-hate speech at them.

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I blame Nickleback.

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Yeah, people who hate Jews are just using their common sense and expressing their deep economic anxiety and thinking about the future of their existence and of white children and all the people they'll have to kill to feel better about their job prospects. Nothing hateful about that

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