What’s funny is that they constantly bitch about how the reason they can’t get laid is because all the women are having sex with the “Chads.”

They’re like the has-been actors like Kirk Cameron and Kevin Sorbo who constantly whine that no one in mainstream Hollywood will hire them any more because they’re conservatives, never realizing that the real reason no one wants to work with them any more is because they’re assholes.

They blame everyone except themselves for their problems.

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Tucker stop lecturing us women or we're going to get angry and you know what happens if you don't stop your whiny cry baby behavior we get angry so it's all your fault that I'm losing my temper.

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Ouch, that must of hurt. Sorry.

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Confused golden retriever face will never not be funny. Although I have a confused black lab that can give that golden a run for its money.

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What he means is that he's mad he's lost the culture wars, because nobody disapproves of weed OR bossy women anymore. He'd love for weed to not be respectable again.

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It's homoerotically interesting to me that incels are fully as obsessed with the Chads as they are with the Staceys.

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Women are a videogame achievement to them. They're frustrated that there's no god-mode key combination that is guaranteed to unlock women.

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I posted this on another thread, but I think it bears repeating...

Semi-related regarding the MURDERS that Ignoramus [and Fucker] probably love..

I had heard before about the 2-year old who was shielded by his father who was killed, along with the child's mother, but I only heard tonight the name of the father...

Kevin McCarthy

Let that sink in for a minute...

OK, yes there are numerous men all of the world with that name. But it occurs to me you can make a straight line from Kevin McCarthy (Nazi-Gunstown) to Kevin McCarthy, father who died while saving his son's life.

I sure hope at least ONE of the NOT liberal media will pick up on this and ream Qevin over and over again about that. NOT expecting it, but anyway...

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I automatically assume they want to kill people, so why not?

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It IS true about the knives and other pointy things, but just today there was further info that the killer's father went to the poilce station and told them theye were HIS knives, not the sons, and asked for them back. They gave them to him.

The father has been a vile MAGAt since before TFG, and is probably a huge influence on the killer.

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Lindsey Graham says ''yes, what's wrong with that and a little sedition?''...

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And his father went to the police the next day and said they were HIS knives and stuff, not his son's, and the police gave them to him...

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Again I have to point out that banjos are NOT the domain of hicks but mostly of many liberals. In addtion the banjo was brought over from Africa, and blcak people were the first ones to play them here.

Thanks for insulting a great musical tradition just cause you saw thatONE Film ONE time.

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Well, maybe Fucker had TWO MOMMIES!

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One reich-wing outlet outhouse claimed that was shopped...

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