he's been stripped of all of social media, he's been stripped of any type of way to make a living, I guess he's under surveillance."

What a terrible world President Biden has given us where violent coup members can no longer make a living and are surveilled by the police just because they tried to overthrow the government.

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Too many quizzical stupid puppy looks.

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You must be new here. 😜 (Except I recognize your 'nym, so I know you're not.)

(a) We can snark on anyone, including our allies. It just take a bit more work sometimes.

(b) There are plenty of purity-ponies / lock-them-all-up-right-this-second types around who see anyone doing anything less as not being on our side in the first place.

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but is any of that money going to defend these people who went to this rally on behalf of that candidate?Hahaha he said a silly, useful idiots don't need to get paid, they just need to be told they are useful.

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KILMEADE: Do you think maybe, perhaps and maybe [...] you find indications that the FBI was actually pushing for this invasion?CARLSON: There were people working for the FBI in the crowd that day. If the FBI were there, they weren't trying to prevent the insurrection.

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"I even like the chicken if the sauce is not bleu..."https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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But that's Tukkker's whole shtick. He doesn't know how to do anything else. I imagine he makes those same faces when he has sex. Sorry if I put that picture in anyone's head.

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Ah, The Tuck...what has he spewed that hasn't been spewed before? He's a world class spewer.

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Ewww. Brain bleach, plz.

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Carlson wouldn't recognize a fact if it was a foot up Trump's ass, a place he visits several times a day.

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Considering all the down sizing newspapers have gone through for the past 20 years, I doubt the Washington Post has anywhere neat 75 reporters, and they sure are not going to use all of the ones they have rebutting Tucker. It would take an intern about 4 hours to fact check Tucker's 1/6 show and prove all of it was lies.

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He lied and said the Washington Post had put 75 REPORTERS on the case of debunking his documentary, and that they just did that this weekend. (We guess that is Tucker's bizarre way of trying to spin that massive WaPo investigation into the January 6 attack that just came out this weekend, suggesting that it was all about Fear of Tucker. Which is just hilariously, amazingly deranged.)

Tucker can actually reverse the directionality of time! Quick, somebody call the Nobel Committee that selects the winner of the Prize for Obvious Bullshit.

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We know that some of the people who apparently did coordinate the breach of the Capitol have not been indicted, why is that?

Because they are sitting members of Congress and we should be careful about indicting such people for their involvement in a highly political criminal activity. Particularly since a large number of their supporters are heavily armed terrorists.

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i'm not reading that evan even tho you are perfect. i just can't.

however, i am here to read the pictures and i want to know why that lady's head is backward and tucker is SO fat.

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I may have to stop Wonking for a while. After VA I’m too fucking pissed at the US to be funny, or even snarky. All this shit does is make me fucking angry. And I don’t need to be angry.

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So I try to soothe myself by surfing country homes for sale in Ireland. Some of them are heart-breakingly gorgeous. They are also back-breakingly expensive. The affordable ones need a fuckton of work. But the KY lege just added two more repugs to their super-super majorities. The falling-down cottages are looking better every day.

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