It's all the bacon

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Can you imagine the stunts Sarah the Half-term Princess would be pulling right now?

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So you're saying more than half of all humans are bananas? Sounds like a low estimate.

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I know it’s just this photo; I KNOW. But does anyone else see Abbott as the developmentally disabled son of Mel Brooks? Liz, I cannot unsee it.

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The true measure in the Florida v. Texas series has been how many executions carried out in a given time period. Has been since the Bush brothers started the race years ago.

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"If I owned both Hell and Texas, I'd live in Hell and rent out Texas." -- Mark Twain

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That's money that maybe won't be going to GQP election campaigns, at least.

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He was prior to Molly Ivins's time.

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Someone once said that we could believe that corporations were people when Texas executed one.

Looks like Florida beat them to it by executing Disney.

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Anyone remember the movie "The Money Pit?"


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definitely a precursor, if indeed he said it. But then, somebody serves as inspiration to somebody else.

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They probably "confiscate" all their belongings, too.

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Funny, (we have some wonderful Wonkers on here from Texas), but I never feel safe when driving through Western Texas, as I have done multiple times, those long dry empty stretches of highway, creep me out on a visceral level. I do like Galveston, Houston, and San Antonio, they are lovely cities.

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Le Hemorroid Le Page.

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From Liberty, or Bob Jones U?

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