It's a bit different here in the U.S., different in different states as a matter of fact. Some states are "right to work", a misnomer meaning no closed shops, AKA "right to work for less" or "right to be a wage slave". When unions were much stronger here, they could have closed shops, or essentially an all union workforce at a place of business. Also, they are required to represent all workers at the bargaining table, even those who are not members. The tradeoff was a kind of partial membership fee that would cover the costs of the union negotiating for them. The GOP has been taking shots at this for years now and almost won a major battle against public sector unions, until Scalia died, giving us a 4-4 draw at SCOTUS.

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Or a Carly Fiorina ad.

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My first encounter with a union was when I was a backshop worker for a small newspaper. I was so good at what I did that I applied to the major newspaper in the nearby big city. I was told they were unionized and wouldn't hire me. I said, no problem, I am happy to join the union. They told me I didn't understand. No women were allowed to join the union, only men.

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Welcome to America.

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I'll let Billy Bragg take this one: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Eesh. How long ago was this?

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Oh ffs. Union dues are usually about $25 a paycheck, at most. And meantime you're typically earning several hundred dollars a month more than you would working in non-union filth.

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People actually think they'll be the ownership class someday.

They're stupid, and don't realize, they'll be schmucks humping it for capitalist filth all their lives.

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It will be interesting when these corporate bozos figure out that we are on the verge of a labor shortage, and the market will force an effective $10 minimum wage where legislation didn't as well as eventually a $15 dollar minimum wage sooner than they'd like. Of course when that happens, it's possible that companies WHO TREATED PEOPLE LIKE SHIT between 2008 and 2016 might have a BAD REPUTATION as employers and might have to pay more than that to attract any talent at all.Meanwhile a bunch of knee-jerk racists who can't seem to help themselves and might be sympathetic to Unions but think that A) unions = democrats who think blacks are =2 whites, or B) we have all these laws now that make unions unnecessary (workplace safety, etc.), can't seem to figure out past their hate and see that those protections are just waiting for state GOPs to strip them away. Everywhere. There, I said it and I feel better.

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It will be interesting if these working bozos ever figure it out, too. I love to hear people who make $8.00 and hour bitch about unions.

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Curious to know was that a printer's union or the Newspaper Guild. The Newspaper Guild did a wonderful when I worked as a member back in the early '90s. A quirk in the calendar every 7 years let the employer avoid holiday overtime at Christmas, which they did for 36 people like me, and the Guild made up the difference, rubbing the company's nose in it for the Scrooge-like crap it was. I thought it a thing of beauty.

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"98$/hr"...I bet your friend is in a union!

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The south will rise again as a socialist phoenix!

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As Karl Marx said "Religion is the opiate of the masses, and ROLL TIDE!"

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He did NOT!!


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