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Bullshit Barr

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One Damn Thing Fucking Lie After Another by An Infected Boil Pretending to be a Man.

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Barr would vote for Trump again because, like many republicans, he was a rightwing authoritarian government that puts all of “those people” in their place. He just wishes Trump wasn’t so obnoxious about it.

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In many ways, I hate this bastard more than I hate Trump. Trump is an idiot who can only dream about being a dictator like Putin. Barr is an arrogant piece of shit who is smart enough to put a real dictator into power.

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The handle I use to subscribe to various right wing causes is "Dr. Bea Fuddled."

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"No one's buying what he's selling" except for all the other Republicans who would happily vote for tfg again if he was on the ballot in 2024.

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In that link you provided to TFG's "American carnage inaugural address", I found this paragraph about the inauguration:

On one level, there was so much about the day that was familiar, filled with the comforting filigrees of a ceremony that has taken place every four years since George Washington’s first inauguration on 30 April 1789.

And I was just thinking that when he left 4 years later, the "comforting filigrees" had to include the Army and the Guard, barbed wire and concrete blocks, and still we looked in anguish until the last second wondering what devilish final twist might bust our hopes of seeing the nightmare end.

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i'd quick find some gazoline

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'That was the moment that George Washington demanded that he be crowned as George the First of America. Which made him only a degree of insanity below George the Third, who HAD been King of America AND was actually insane. Both of these were only 2 degrees of insanity below the man who demanded to be crowned President of America for Life'

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They'd vote for a rabid musk-rat at this point. And claim that to not do so was due to not prosecuting Hilary for those emails.

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"And this is who Barr would vote for again."

That really says it all about these fucking fascists. "Fuck America, we want power!"

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They should find a room.

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