Unstoppable Bloodthirsty Trans Army Invading, Occupying Bigots' Minds
Because that makes sense now, doesn't it.

Once upon a time, there was a newspaper that established itself a nice little reputation before being purchased by one of the richest men in the world and going to hell. I am, of course, describing the Dearborn Independent, outlet for the worst kinds of anti-semitism in existence, at least between 1919 and 1927. If this does not seem immediately relevant, bear with me for a moment because you have to hear The Joke. Josh Lambert has a good version he wrote up earlier this year, but for our purposes we’ll go with a shorter version. The joke is this:
Two Jewish shoe shiners take a break as they reach a lull in their work: It’s midmorning and all the fancy businessmen are at their desks. One pulls out a Jewish newspaper and the other Henry Ford’s Dearborn Independent.
The first asks the second, “How can you read that hateful trash?”
The second replies, “There’s so much horrible news to read in our papers, but I open the Independent and get nothing but how rich and powerful I am!”
And so it is today with trans people reading social media — and, increasingly, reading and watching more traditional media. For a number of years now, lunatic claims have been broadcast from what must presumably be the Sea of Not-Tranquility about the power and impact of the trans community. It used to be vague stuff about ending Western Civilization as if we were the Visigoths and Ru Paul’s legal name was Alaric the First, but it has become increasingly bizarre and increasingly specific.
Of all the horrific incarnations of this Dearborn Independent propaganda, one of the worst is that cis murderers literally do not exist and all school shootings are the work of trans people, driven to kill by our depraved agenda. This, sadly, is not an instance of Wonkettish exaggeration, as Media Matters extensively documented this week:
Right-wing influencer Matt Wallace […] falsely alleged, “Every child killed in a mass school shooting in the last 2 years, was killed by a transgender shooter.”
This comes up again because of course it came up again. This is now a ritual of the right wing every single time there is a school shooting. In the immediate aftermath, trolls “joke” that the murderer was a trans person killing cis people because of a non-existent call to imaginary violence memed up as the Trans Day of Vengeance or Trans Day of Revenge. Citing these trolls, the same right wingers — Benny “Russian Stooge” Johnson, Andy Ngo, Laura Loomer, Riley Gaines, Libs of TikTok, and a number of others you can thank yourself you’ve never encountered, along with the aforementioned Matt Wallace — credulously tweet out the “news” that the latest child murder was the work of trans terrorists seeking to impose Gender Ideology.
Last week’s mass murder in a school, the murder of four people, two adults and two students, at Apalachee Mountain High School in Georgia, is no exception to this trend because of course it isn’t, hasn’t anyone beyond Media Matters been paying attention? Though not an exception, the Georgia incident is notable as the anti-trans conspiracy theories spread farther and faster this time for the worst of all possible reasons.
Colt Gray, the teen alleged to have pulled the trigger, had apparently written extensively in the spring of 2023 about how much he hated trans people and queer people and LGB people and, actually, also, too, how he just hated people. From Media Matters:
The Washington Post reported that an account seemingly belonging to Gray had threatened a mass shooting, posting an image of a family holding signs showing support for their trans daughter, and writing, “I need to put an end to that. … im on the edge of a lgbtq massacre.”
CNN discovered that Gray had been investigated for this and other very specific social media threats to shoot up a school, preferably an elementary school like Sandy Hook. The account used to make those threats was traced to Gray by Discord (the social media platform on which they were made and which promptly suspended the account) and the FBI. While here at Yr Wonkette we are of the opinion that in the totality of the circumstances and with the benefit of hindsight, Gray probably actually wrote that shit and really needed some hard core intervention last spring when he was saying all this, local authorities noted that they weren’t sure they agreed with all the FBI’s detective work because after all, Gray denied the account was his. As a result, nothing was done.
This complicated investigative history was distilled in CNN’s reporting as Gray being motivated, in no small part, by “acceptance” of trans people. Let’s again use Media Matters, this time to include the original language that was later edited:
CNN’s reporting stated that the suspect had “expressed frustration with the acceptance of transgender people.”
While I think that’s a perfectly clear assertion that Gray hates the “acceptance” of trans people, not their “lack of acceptance,” if you’re a bigoted right winger like Riley Gaines, this reporting was “incredibly misleading,” and left anti-trans ideologues with no choice but to bravely report to the world that Colt Gray, notorious hater of trans people who wished to end all families who love their trans teenagers with a little bit of assault-rifle style murder, was, in fact, a deranged trans psychopath blowing up patriotic bald eagles in the name of Big Surgery.
Some of those most to blame, like Gaines, later retracted the claim, typically with much personal responsibility in the form of blaming other people for their mistakes. Among this group Andy Ngo was a positive example, almost accepting accountability for being a bigoted loon struggling to attain functional literacy:
“CNN’s reporting has been updated to say that the Georgia school shooting suspect had expressed anti-trans posts online in 2023 when he allegedly made threats online. I have deleted my first post (screenshotted here), which made a claim counter to CNN’s current reporting. I apologize for the wrong inference.”
While it may seem like the epitome of notfun being made responsible for the literal murders of children for advocating [checks notes] letting patients see their doctors without being investigated by an attorney general three states over, at some point your local Wonkette tranny has herself become deranged. I know this because during the Harris/Slime debate Tuesday night my ears perked up at hearing that trans national criminals had taken the spotlight. By the time it later became clear that the subject was transnational criminals, my living room had already filled with gibbering giggles of power-mad amusement.
This is what it is to be trans today: imbued with the evil fantasies of the most horrifying and unhinged bigots to occupy the United States since Henry Ford, but also Joxer-level mighty when you think about it. Yes, I, much like your kid or neighbour or any local trans person you might meet, have become the literal incarnation of kiddie murder to a satanic degree previously only observed in the George Tillers of the Planned Parenthood Abortionplex. And no, that’s not pleasant on its own, but hey: If we’ve become this powerful, we can hardly lose the fight against Libs of TikTok and Project 2025 now!
Someday soon, if we can count on Laura Loomer to paint an accurate picture of this plane of existence, your friendly, neighborhood Crip Dyke will rule the world and dispense communist health care even to the trannies and the pregnant people. It’s a vision worthy of the Dearborn Independent.
Your friendly neighborhood Crip Dyke also writes other perverted stuff!
Y'see, "All mass shooters are on antidepressants" was a lie that got pushback from folks with depression. "All mass shooters are transgender" is a more convenient lie, since it mostly gets pushback from a smaller number of people, and the bigots already hate them anyway.
OT: I have an interview for the full time chaplain position on Monday. Wish me luck!