There <a href="http:\/\/www.rawstory.com\/rs\/2013\/05\/30\/utah-top-gun-lobbyist-arrested-for-threatening-ex-wife-with-zombie-response-vehicle\/" target="_blank">is video</a> of the actual "Zombie response vehicle" (yes, he really did spray paint that onto his deuce-and-a-half, which, yes, is what it is).

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You damn liberals have no sense of humor.

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Because 'MURIKA, "Good Ol' Boyz" Yee-HAW etc.

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I have a vestibule...

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squeal like a pig!

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Carolina hardcore ecstasy

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I just know he had his Roger Daltrey cape on.

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they're getting Michelle Malkin?

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I don't think he was wearing his magic underwear at the time.

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no wonder she's his ex- she finally got around to having that eye exam

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God, you are young.

Or maybe it's me who is old.

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shooting people is so passé anyway. C'mon Clark, get yourself a mortar and pestle and a #10 envelope get with the times...

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What a doucheload wingnut, actually buying a deuce and a half ... I wonder if he was just becoming frustrated with the uselessness of his truck there, and decided he had to just do <i>something</i> with it?

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I thought they were talking about the chick from Purple Rain

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The video doesn't exist!*

*Rob Ford

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I'm a big fella who grew up with even bigger brothers, so learned to both give and take a beating.

I am also a recovering Cocky Bastard.

So you'd pretty much <em>have</em> to shoot me.

Though on the small number of occasions that I have had a gun pointed at me, it has been a sobering and humbling experience. Oddly enough, the only time I was really afraid the gun would be used was when it was a cop.

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