Please ignore the execrable grammar. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Wish I could upfist this more than once. Are they to be billed as the rare British Trumpencezees then?

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England has done a better job than most European countries in integrating minorities....there are minority slums but there are even more all white slums.

But England has gotten WAY too overcrowded to the point where it is significantly reducing the quality of life of everyone but the superrich....my English relatives can't even afford to live in London and don't even want to live there it is so crowded and expensive and impossible to get around now. That isn't an attack on minorities because the problem is with immigration across the board.

When I graduated from Cambridge University in the eighties England had 35 million people...now it officially has 54 million people but the real number is more like 60 million and may grow up to 100 million people...in a country the size of our New England which has just 12 million people!!!

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Ah, the EDL. They are literally the fringe of the fringe. If you think the hilariously small turnouts for your US neo nazi youth marches were embarrasing, you ought to see what these tar pit dodgers manage to drum up after half a year's planning.

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I wonder if that Peendragger knows that flying an American flag in that orientation is a distress signal? He's right on that account...we're distressed!

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It means "Embarrassment felt on behalf of someone else (often someone so ignorant to what they have done that they don’t know that they should be embarrassed for themselves)" and I learned it right here on Wonkette, thanks to de_Pizan. (It should have an umlaut over the "a" but I can't work out how to do it.)

It is one of my new favourites, together with "the place where wolves fuck", which seems to be a bigger area than you may previously have thought.

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But it was also supposed to be an advisory vote, where we expressed an opinion. Not a full-on "Let's leave, now" vote.

If you tried to organize a strike based on those numbers you would be in court, instantly, the vote would be thrown out and the union bankrupted. But in this case, "The nation has spoken with one resounding voice".

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Ah but would the brilliant minds at the EDL know that...?

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The figure for the 1980s is too low, and I'm curious where the "real" figure comes from. The South East of England is crowded and has high house prices but the rest of England (never mind the rest of the UK) isn't and doesn't. Immigration doesn't increase house prices, it doesn't cause crowding, given the UK's ageing and increasingly uneducated population immigration is all that will keep us going.I'm curious how you can attack immigrants without attacking minorities, when immigrants are by definition going to be a minority.Edit for clarity.

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Shit, answered the wrong post, sorry DesertedPictures.

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True, there is an assumption of safety which doesn't always pan out.

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He probably does "terrorist fist bumps" also, too.

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Yes, considering they don't seem to understand it was an agreement to the nobles to limit the kings powers, at least as I understand it.

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Gumby libelz!1!!1

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It is weird! How the hell do you do nationalism wrong? It is the simplest and dumbest ideology around.

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The red thing on the end of the gallows is a poppy, to show their loyalty and love of the troops, init? The same poppy Sadiq Khan is wearing in the photoshop of him as a traitor. Am I missing something?

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