Vile Homophobic Bigot Jenna Ellis Did Good Deed One Time, Please Pay Her Legal Fees
Cry. More.
Rumor has it that because indicted homeschooled former junior varsity Kraken idiot Jenna Ellis has been nice to Ron DeSantis of late, Donald Trump won’t lift a finger to help pay her legal fees. Republican operative and DeSantis guy John Cardillo tweeted it on the platform formerly known as Twitter, and desperate Trump troll Laura Loomer is piling on. Newsweek says it hasn’t independently verified the reports, but Ellis indeed is crowdfunding for legal fees on the low-rent white Jesus GoFundMe knockoff called GiveSendGo.
She’s shilling for her grifting page on Twitter as we speak:
That’s a quote from Ellis’s lawyer Mike Melito, which says, “We will fight for Jenna. If you would like to help support our efforts, please consider donating by clicking the link below. America and the profession of law are worth the fight.”
Indeed, we must stand firm to protect Americans’ rights to swim in Rudy Giuliani’s sulfurous fart clouds while he lies about imaginary voter fraud in Michigan.
At the moment, the fund has $13,834 in it, raised by 217 people. Meanwhile 1,067 people have sent a “pray” — it’s a really stupid platform — which is sure to be counteracted by the millions of people worldwide currently praying for Donald Trump and all his friends to be buried under their nearest prison.
Gross MAGA people are attacking Ellis right and left and laughing at the reports of her being frozen out financially, but she is attempting to show a brave face to the world.
Yesterday she was tweeting out tacky inspirational messages that look like they came from the Live, Laugh, Love collection in the home decor section of hell run by Joanna Gaines. Today she’s tweeting out tacky inspirational stories that, in typical fundamentalist Christian white shitbag fashion, portray her as the heroic Bible princess, most virtuous of all. Would you like to hear about the good deed Jenna Ellis did, which is why she is ultimately deserving of your support? Would you? Would you?
She was responding to a MAGA idiot:
Here is the text of why Jenna Ellis thinks you should support her legal fight, but only if you want to:
I’ll tell you a short story about priorities. When President Trump first hired me, the leftist media came after me viciously. One particular writer wrote a hit piece for CNN attacking my Christian faith and called me the usual trope of homophobic bigot for my views on same-sex marriage.
That piece caused me to be banned from several high-profile shows and paved the way for more attacks and difficulties in doing my job.
It was unfair and ridiculous and also it’s the nature of politics. You get criticized, attacked, and subject to everyone’s opinion when you’re a public figure and especially when you’re representing the most loved and hated man on the planet who happens to be the sitting President of the United States.
I blocked the writer, who kept writing about me unfairly anyway.
Fast forward to a year or two later, and I learned this writer had a child who had terminal cancer.
Cancer isn’t politics. This was a devastated parent. In that moment, nothing else mattered. I unblocked the writer and sent a message saying I am praying. I also donated to the go fund me.
Because here’s the thing: It didn’t matter what the writer did to me. It mattered what I did when this person needed help.
You can like me or not. I’m not going to stop speaking or start changing my political opinions just to endear myself to you or anyone else. I’m not a politician. I’m a private citizen being unjustly targeted by the government because I represented Donald Trump.
You can support me in this or not.
Woooooooow. Did you catch how mentally deranged that was?
Somebody reported on what a homophobic fucking shitbag she is, and she blocked them on Twitter, but then she found out that person’s child had cancer, so she donated to their GoFundMe. “Because here’s the thing: It didn’t matter what the writer did to me. It mattered what I did when this person needed help.”
Don’t you get it? JENNA ELLIS is the main character of this story. Not the writer who correctly called her a homophobic bigot. Not the writer’s child who had cancer. It matters what JENNA ELLIS did. She is the holy one here who can do all things through Christ who strengthens HER. Not you.
Hey Jesus! Jesus! Did you see what JENNA ELLIS did? She’s screaming her good deeds from the mountaintops, just like you said!
For a reminder of what extremist homophobic garbage Jenna Ellis really is, you can google her calling Pete and Chasten Buttigieg “sexual perverts” who treat their children like “commodities,” or you can watch this video of her saying, like any Westboro Baptist Church protester, that the victims of the Pulse mass shooting in Orlando are in hell:
That’s who she is. At least she’s having the week she deserves.
Evan Hurst on Twitter right here.
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I have profiles those other places but I think I forgot how to log on.
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Just going to take a second to point out that Mike Melito, Attorney for Jenna Ellis, is asking people to donate to a fund to help pay for legal fees for the Attorney for Jenna Ellis, Mike Melito.
Mike Melito, Attorney for Jenna Ellis, COULD perform legal services pro bono (WHICH IS LAWSPEAK FOR FREE), thereby making it so Mike Melito, Attorney for Jenna Ellis, doesn't have to ask people to donate to a fund to help pay for legal fees for the Attorney for Jenna Ellis, Mike Melito, because said legal fees would be waived (minus normal filing fees).
But instead of doing legal services pro bono, Mike Melito has asked people to donate to a fund to help pay for legal fees for Attorney for Jenna Ellis, Mike Melito.
OT, we are home. They discharged the husband shortly after noon, we have his new prescriptions and he's back home in bed. I will have to forcibly remove the phone from his hand, because it appears as though he REALLY likes being sick and he's been sharing his misfortune with all his friends and acquaintances.
He agreed to stay home tomorrow and Friday. The doctor he saw earlier today said he could go back to work tomorrow and I was like, NO, we are NOT doing that. I'd like him to get better sometime before Thanksgiving and you are not helping.