Vote For Hope/Change, Vote For Wonkette
Oh look, now you can click this computer graphic of a computer, and then, magically, you can vote for your Wonkette, so we can post adifferentcomputer graphic of a computer, but this time designating your Wonkette as the whatever-of-the-year -- this time around, we are nominated for "Prettiest Libtard Blog." We are beingMURDERED byCrooks & Liarssome blog we have literally never heard of, called "Confluence," right now. Pleaseput a stop to this outrage.
UPDATE: Thanks, friends! We are nowcollectively crushing everyone else, to prevent Global Warming. Please keep it up, once a day, etc. We must get our economy back on track!
UPDATE II: It has come to our attention that our own COMICS CURMUDGEON,Joss Fluehonker, is having a Mexican Death Match with myriad other so-called humor blogs. DO NOT BE DECEIVED, by these interlopers. Go now and vote for him,this guy, who writes "the funnies about the funnies." (You can pay me for that hot new slogan later, JOSH.)