But..all the money has to flow up to the top before it can start to trickle down. The wealthy simply haven't gotten enough money yet for it to work properly

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I met her in a grocery checkout line. Her voice sounded familiar then I noticed her printed checks had Rocky's image over her name.Nice person, friendly and appreciative of her fans.She was also on Nixon's enemies list:en.wikipedia.org/wiki/June_...

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We have a long way to go but I don't like the way it's going. Rethugs have the fear/anger anger bonfire covered and they will keep throwing gasoline on those flames. Dems are hung up on wonky techno talk that puts everybody in the audience to sleep. They must find an emotional button to push if they are going to get people voting in the necessary numbers.

And Putin has to be out of Ukraine by the next election. If he is not, it will be because Putin finally crushed Ukraine and a "who lost Ukraine" meme will kill the Dems. Biden really has to accept that he needs to amp up our support for the Ukes in order for him to take away an issues that will stymie his election.

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The things you earn!

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Learn. Learn. Maybe I will learn to edit before posting.

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So you can go broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people?

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The pie is getting higher.

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You're like an Adam Smith for our times.

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Careful Stephen, you're giving me too much hope that voters, especially right leaning ones, are actually noticing reality.

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The sky is always falling in right wing land.

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Here we go stereotyping whites again. I'm a white Democrat, and there are plenty of us, so just stop.

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Reminds me of that famous LBJ quote.

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They think they're right about everything (just like Dear Leader) so why change?

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That's basically their entire strategy - keep throwing shit at the wall until something sticks.

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Republicans have an uncanny ability to never learn anything.

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It does.

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