Voting Sucks
We owe Drudge an apology: Those "Voting is for old people" t-shirts sold by Urban Outfitters have become a huge controversy. In fact, Harvard University's Institute of Politics has seen fit to weigh in, because, obviously, there are no other political issues facing Americans today. The institute wrote Urban Outfitters' C.E.O. to protest his company sending "the wrong statement at the wrong time" and selflessly proposing "to work with you to suggest alternative products that send the right message." It's sweet of them to offer, really, but they sorta suck at it: "You might consider 'Voting Rocks!'" Sure. Why don't you put on a floppy hat that says "Narc" while you're at it?
Harvard rips political T-shirt by Urban Outfitters [AP/Boston Globe]
Drudge: Looking a Little Desperate Right Now [Wonkette]