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There were a lot of Germans who settled in Mexico, which is why Mexican music includes a lot of polkas.

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Worldwide* FIFY*New Zealand and Finland, you're probably OK.

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This. The absurdity of ‘debating’ it, whether in good-faith or not, only sells the idea that it’s a legitimate debate in the first place. I know this is the way in which our system works. I just think this point isn’t made nearly as often or loudly as it should be.

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Hockey culture is rape culture. This saying the loud parts out loud.

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Have to admit, I was somewhat comforted by learning that the pic was a set up to mock the gunhumpers, but I'll still be happy if I never have to see it again.

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I always think about how good it felt to go out and chop wood like a maniac when Shrub/Cheney/Rumsfeld were taking us to war. I also recall furiously scrubbing a floor; about wore the finish off.

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He's a diva, a spoiled brat and I am saying that as a Packers fan for over 50 years. He got upset because the team isn't run the way he wants and they drafted another QB (Oh no!) and he had a tantrum and the team kissed his ass. He is incredibly talented, but he's a jackass.

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She's 6 months old.

And she's back. The shelter is closed, apparently.

I asked...or, rather, suggested to my my roomie, that perhaps she isn't cut out to forster any dogs right now.Her answer..."I've fostered 100's of dogs!!!!:.

My internal thoughts to her reply.

*Suuuuure you have. You're doing a damn fine job of it too. Carry on*

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A couple of weeks ago, Ma and Pa Ninja brought a dog home and it soon became clear she was a little more aggressive then they thought she would be so they took her back, in part because they were afraid what she would do to Specky the cat.Sometimes things just don't work out.Should be noted that two days after my folks returned, she had found a new home.The dog your roomie returned will find a good home, it just can't be yours.

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Well, fostering involves socializing and teaching doggies to have good manners — house-training, walking nicely on a leash, a few simple commands. Depending on the age and breed/mix of breeds, that can be easier with some than others.

You said she was aggressive toward the other dogs in the house. How many others are there? Were they aggressive in return, as in fighting, or was it young doggy puppy shenanigans? You said the house dogs seemed to miss her when she was gone. How about now? If it’s still problematic, is the shelter open tomorrow?

Wish I could help, because I want to see all the dogs in the whole world in safe, loving homes. I also know that when it’s not a good fit from the beginning, it’s hard to fix it.

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This from what I’ve seen so far demonstrates how Dems let R’s lie and control the narrative. Heartbeat at six weeks? Where’s the pushback on that discounted lie? Want to compare vigilante asswipes in Texas to bounty hunters searching for slaves during the mid-1800s, nice Black ladies? Congratulations, you just lost the attention of anyone wanting to learn the facts of what abortion is or isn’t, physically, legally, and any other wise. Great job right there.

How about instead of letting the white lady doctor spin beautiful tales of so-called pro-life dogooders gifting diapears, formula and “other support” to the abortion-denied, we show the necessity of medical pregnancy termination of a fetus developing with its brain all mushy and growing outside its head? Or talk about how unfathomably expensive, not to mention heartbreaking, it can be to care for an actual born child with genetic abnormalities and birth defects?

Are we too squeamish, Dems? Let someone who isn"t, like maybe Katie Porter, step in and do the job for you. We’d better start taking off the gloves and speaking truth to bullshit.

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I’m just over all the hand-ringing and defeatism. We’re apparently just fine with the big stupid bully on the playground knocking us to the ground and taking our lunch money, over and over again. Maybe what we need is some big bullies of our own, like in the movie My Bodyguard.

Sittin’ around addicted to our own self-righteous outrage, trying to out-snark each other with dark black humor, whining over how unfair everything is and how much we hate those other guys. (And I include myself in that scenario.)

JFC. I’m sick of it. We need to get our act together and fight back FFS.

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They missed a great opportunity if they just tore the building down with construction machinery rather than letting people pay to use a sledgehammer.

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That doesn’t look like “an arena full of people.” Looks more like a bunch of loser frat-bros hangin’ around watching a practice. School should have rounded ‘em up and expelled the little fuckers.

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Woot! I *loved* that movie.

And the only way my junior high bully ever stopped fucking with me is when I turned around and slapped the shit out of her. No more bully. *shrug*

We need to fucking start fighting back. I don't know why this hasn't happened yet. In a lot of cultural battles that are going on right now.

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