The best part about MLK, for the right wing is, of course, him being dead. You can wildly and intentionally, even shamelessly, misconstrue everything he ever said or did without worrying about being corrected by the man himself.
Sort of like the bible I guess. Just wave it around and yell, regardless of the reality.
OHJB still has my vote.
"National Action Network Martin Luther King, Jr Day Breakfast". If you're going to celebrate, why not brunch?
The only action I can see being associated with brunch is possibly a DUI from one too many mimosas.
The best part about MLK, for the right wing is, of course, him being dead. You can wildly and intentionally, even shamelessly, misconstrue everything he ever said or did without worrying about being corrected by the man himself.
Sort of like the bible I guess. Just wave it around and yell, regardless of the reality.
Wait a minute: There's such as thing as one too many mimosas?!?
I luvs me some OHJB, but I wish he would re-think that straggly hair that hangs down straight off his neck at the back of his head.
They love projecting their bullshit onto people and things that can’t speak for themselves. That’s why they love fetuses so much.
Born on this date 64 years ago.
a merry miasma of many mimosas to imbibe!
That's his pull-string.*
*Probably an actual GQP conspiracy theory
Plus they're actually happy that a racist piece of shit murdered him.
Hey GOP: Keep MLK out of your filthy fucking mouths.