Look, I'm all for your enthusiasm and positive sentiment, but fuck the Yankees. Geeeesh.

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They don't need to win the national vote by 11, it's bad math. If they win by 11, 50 R seats are going down.

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What's become nomalized is contempt for Trump and his party.

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Here's the thing about AZ that most on the outside don't know: we don't have a gerrymandered map. It's legit, made by an independent commission. (A voter referendum caused this, because we were sick of rigged maps. The R's tried to get rid of it, but SCOTUS upheld it. Then they tried to put ringers on the commission, and got caught... If your state hasn't tried this, I heartily recommend it.)

We have a Republican majority of registered voters, but even so our Congressional seats are pretty representationally divided, a few solid ones for each party and a few competitive ones (the divide was 5/4 until McSally took Gabby Gifford's old seat from Dem Ron Barber in a competitive district).

So the 08 district was drawn to ensure a Republican seat, yes, but it wasn't at the expense of packing and cracking other constituencies

The point is, we *do have* competitive districts--and we should win a share of those in a blue wave. Check AZ on the red/blue map above!

Also: Viva Wonkette and the swearing FDF!!!1!!

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Me too

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AZ last went blue at the presidential level in 1996. I've been waiting for years for it to become a Colorado or Virginia: basically, a toss-up tilting Dem state. I think it might be AZ's historically Republican roots. It is Goldwater's old state after all, and one of the tiny number of states not to go for Lyndon Johnson in 1964. But it's time, the demographics are there, let's bring it on home in 2020 (for a President Biden, but I'm sure that will be debated)!

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I hear you, and while harsh, your point is made. But Kyrsten is also a Blue Dog, and has been consistently since joining Congress, and I think she would beat Arpaio (too Roy Moore-ish) and even Kelli Ward in a Dem year. I think McSally would have an advantage though.

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I'll be in Fresno going door-to-door for Andrew Janz. I've done it before in red districts. I'm that weirdo who keeps hoping we can all get along.

The other place to be is Orange County working to put a democrat in Rohrbach's seat. But no matter where you are, you can sign up to write letters to newspapers and promote candidates on social media.

Here's AJ's sign up;https://act.myngp.com/Forms...

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My neighbor was convinced Al Gore was going to force all pregnant women to have abortions. All of them.

I tried to reason with her, but she'd heard it from her cosmetology teacher who was really smart. I couldn't compete with such a genius; neither could facts... or Al.

He lost, so will never know if her cosmetology teacher was on to something.

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Five Thirty Eight is basing its predictions on both the last election and the last midterm. One is given more weight, but I don't remember which.

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Actually I recall Clinton response being quick, but something like, "there's no such thing" and didn't really follow up or elaborate. Which, then, I thought why bother, this idots and all who follow him will never believe you regardless of facts or logic. I just think that's the kind if crap the right preys upon

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As a TN resident I say YEE-HAW to this!

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It is bad gerrymandering.


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IMO it is a matter of the national party having to be judicious with limited resources. Don't be offended. But if it's a choice between funding a race in, say, a suburb of Pittsburgh, where they might have a chance in hell of winning, versus a windmill-tilter in Tupelo, MS, whom do you think will get funded?

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Thanks, FDF. Lovely picture, too.

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Yeah. And to that I would add, even if your Dem candidate is not the greatest, the Dem majority will still help via committee chairmanships, Supreme Court nominees, etc. We need to rein in this crazy Prez.

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