*REAMDE (check the cover... I was calling it README until Lady Vorpal corrected me)

... sorry, too dense & drawn out for my liking... much prefer earlier Neal

Snow Crash & Zodiac are perfect... plot, pacing, characters...

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The Coward From Queens must really be afraid of something.

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"With great power comes the ability to indulge all of our twisted desires and have a hell of a good time!"

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Foreigner here: we need a new rules-based international order which (a) doesn't rely entirely on US power/prestige/funding to function; (b) promotes social justice rather than maximising corporate profits. In such a global order, if another Trump were to arise the other countries would be able to slap him down; and it wouldn't promote the conditions which lead to Trump, either.

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Let's hope that, unlike the Ottoman Empire, this phase in your history can finish without genocide and terrible war.

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Doh! You're right, and I knew that and still fucked it up. Fall: Dodge in Hell is a continuation of REAMDE, and goes a lot further with it. Though in some ways it goes nowhere, because most of it is virtual.

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I HAVE to get some of my hair cut off. It is down to my waist, too damned thick, and far beyond this twisted gimp's ability to "style" attractively. The fact of the matter is that I cannot REACH my hair well enough to be able to keep it clean and neat.

Just putting my hair in a ponytail is a major undertaking. I am proud of my long auburn locks, but I really don't deserve them anymore.

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I MUST make such an appointment before I take the same clippers I use to buzz down Sarge and engage them to rid me of this hair.

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Ta, Liz. Vote as if your life depends on it. It does.

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Wait. Let me run this through my stunned reeling brain again and be sure I have it right. (It's still possible for it to be stunned and reel, apparently.)MIKE POMPEO is talking about a "thoroughly broken and corrupted institution"?

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What's the problem? US commits war crimes? Just invade The Hague. The law is there, the plans are drawn up...



Bolton was all in for it...


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Yes Virginia, America has failed.

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But war crimes get an automatic pardon.

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It's like America really really hates it when people point out their atrocities. I wonder why when they do that all the times to countries not called America.

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They could have referred to them as "two Corinthians".

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