I don't really do much cooking, is it okay to leave out the first nine ingredients?

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A missionary is captured by two members of a cannibalistic tribe. They bring him back to their village and tell the people who run the communal kitchen to put on a big pot of water.

A nearby elder says, "No, no, not for this one. He's a friar!"

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I got to play with the <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Xerox_Alto#mediaviewer\/File:Xerox_Alto_mit_Rechner.JPG" target="_blank">Xerox Alto </a> system in the mid-1970s . . . and while it did have a bitmapped screen (radical at the time) and a mouse, it ran on a $10,000 minicomputer. Steve's genius was in imagining that you could turn it into a consumer product.

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I'm going to bet that St. Joseph never expected the Spanish Inquisition. (Yes, he was in Italy, but much of the country was under the control of Aragon at the time.)

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Sounds almost like my favorite soup, except swap out turnip or mustard greens for artichokes, and turnips or parsnips for olives, and boil in a pot of water after sauteeing to half-done.

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