Matt, I pray your liver is still mighty.

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Oh, NPR you so rarely disappoint in disappointing me. Who do you think they had on to informate the listeners on the Romney McDaniel NBC debacle? Wait for...wait for it. Jonah fucking Goldberg. Great job NPR! I know that was the fucking person I wanted to hear from on this matter.

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Wait,isn't he the guy from Spiderman? These AIs are starting to break the 4th wall too often.

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Thank you for all your kind comments. I too hope Biden settles this - somehow - before Election Day.

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I am having an odd problem here this morning. I can see all the original comments, but none of the replies. Instead I get, "continue thread", but when I click it nothing happens. This is on my laptop using Firefox. On my phone everything is normal. Oh, and when I typed this on the laptop, I realized I also can't post a comment. There's no post button. Weird.

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That happens to me when my Internet connection is having a slow spell. It seems that it loads the top comments and then the subthreads fill in. It happens with increased frequency when i open the comments in a new tab but then don't immediately switch to view that tab.

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I had that the other day, Firefox on Android. Cleared cache and cookies and got that back but non-comments are still badly formatted. Chrome looks right, has been consistently working throughout. Coders too lazy to test all platforms.

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It's an Easter miracle! I thought Geraldo was gone for sure....

He's been missing for 10 days. Yesterday morning there he was

at brekkies....looks like he got into a hell of a fight


[Mr G prefight....someone is gonna be in the MASH unit for a week or so]

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Fucktoilet posted a video of OHJ tied up in the back of a pick em' truck, festooned with the usual "Blue Lives Matter" and "patriotic" horseshit. Yes, he should be locked up, but so should the asshole who owns that truck.

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Trump's video of a truck tailgate with a decal of POTUS tied up.

Disgusting and on-brand for that pile of shit-caked mcdonald's wrappers. Obviously, anyone supporting trump should (a) be ashamed and (b) speak with a doctor. Or don't speak with a doctor and move to Russia and stay there.

However, reading the headlines, I was expecting a much more obvious depiction than a video of two truck-nutz bro-dozers taken from a moving vehicle, in overcast and rainy conditions. The clip that I first viewed--taken from Trump's Taint Scrotal--was dark and grainy, and I have since viewed higher-resolution videos. I can clearly see Biden on the higher-res videos. But either way, I wouldn't have been able to desern what the fuck exactly was going on in that decal, without seeing the enlarged still photos.

And that's the point: PAB can create just enough separatation between what is literally communicated and is true intent to maintian a veneer of deniability. We all know his true intent (we ain't dumb). His mouth-foaming adherents definetely know his true intent (they are homociadal, though). The media knows his true intent, but will take the easy way out EVERY TIME and not report what is clearly and conviningly Trump's goal: torture and death to his opponents.

Just gotta keep voting.

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Violence in his name is not a side effect of his machinations.

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Thesaurus posted a link below to a Cletus safari the Atlantic did in Ohio. They were questioning Trump's supporters if it bothered them that Trump mocked Biden's stutter. Apparently, The Atlantic is unfamiliar with Trump supporters. I'll never forget that Republican gathering (CPAC?) where someone asked "do you want people without insurance to die"? and they all started clapping. They are truly scum of the earth.

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And there are so many of them. I think that's what shocks the most, how many fucking assholes, devoid of any decent qualities, we share a country with.

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The Republican Party 2024: Buy a bible, fund a rapist.

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As J***h intended!

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𝗠𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗶 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗮𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗰𝘂𝘁 𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗽𝗼𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝘁𝗮𝘅𝗲𝘀


"The Missouri House sent a bill repealing the corporate income tax to the Senate on a party-line vote Wednesday, with Republicans saying it will boost economic growth and Democrats calling it a business giveaway. The bill sponsored by state Rep. Travis Smith of Dora would cut the tax rate, currently 4%, to 3% on Jan. 1 and make another one percentage point cut each year until the tax is eliminated in 2028."

“When you reduce the corporate income tax you are helping workers more than anything else because the corporation is not going to be paying those taxes,” Smith said. “They’re putting it back in improving their facilities and paying wages.”

Oh, yeah, sure, they'll spend the extra money on wages instead of executive bonuses and shareholder dividends. Happens every day.

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10000% of that will be going to stock buybacks. And the CEOs will all get a nice raise for their successful lobbying!

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They are cutting revenue for the state but their own wallets will reap a large cash infusion.

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And those safety measures? Sure, they'll spend some extra money there. Sure they will.

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[seethes with all-consuming rage]

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Why should jerb creators have to pay their fair share!!???

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I guess they don't like that income stream that comes from taxation. Because everyone knows the state of Missouri is so rich already.

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I'm getting my new adjustable bed today. I bought it at Mattress Firm. I wanted a full size but the mattress wouldn't be available for nearly three weeks. So the guy gave me a queen size for the same price as the full size plus the friends and family discount plus another hundred dollars off.

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Congratulations! I DREAM about having one of those one of these days!

Sleep in blissful, relaxing comfort in your new bed, cogswell.

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Congrats! I often find it difficult to find a full-size mattress in stock in local stores. It's also difficult to find a full-size headboard in furniture stores ... they are all queen or king in most places. I had to order a bedframe from a Canadian company once in order to get it full-size. I don't want a queen bed because then I'd have to buy all new sheets and blankets and comforters, which is expensive. I have gorgeous Laura Ashley bedding and coordinating curtains that I bought 30 years ago at half price, and I want to keep using them and can't afford to replace them.

One store that always had full-size headboards in stock was Pier 1, but they're out of business now.

I was shocked at the price of Tempurpedic memory foam mattresses when I had to buy one. Ashley Furniture was selling it for $3500, but Denver Mattress was selling it for $2500. Even the lower price struck me as exorbitant for just ONE mattress, but it is what it is.

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You lucky! New mattress day is the most sacred of the holidays. Enjoy!

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Well, this happened.

Trump posts video that shows image of Biden tied up in the back of a truck


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Kathy Griffin much? There’s that double standard again.

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Proof that PAB is more empathetic than Biden.

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Emphasis on PATHETIC.

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How very normal. Jail that fucker.

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I read about that yesterday and all I thought about was Kathy Griffin losing her gig because of the PAB head incident. This is the fucking GOP nominee FFS!!!! Fuck off with a fucking BANHAMMERABLE!!!!

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This is clearly intended to be a threat.

Funny. If you or I posted something like that we'd receive a visit from someone with a badge.

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Hell, we'd get a one way ticket to Cuba.

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Jesus Christ but some people are just idiots.

𝗪𝗲𝗹𝗱𝗼𝗻 𝗦𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴'𝘀 𝗖𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗛𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝘁𝗼𝗼 𝘀𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗹, 𝗼𝘂𝘁𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱, 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁 𝘀𝗮𝘆𝘀

"The study described the current city hall as "outdated" and "undersized," saying it does not meet current building codes or the accessibility requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. "It just shocked me to no end. I thought we were ADA-compliant. I didn't think we had any issues," said Mayor Donald Licklider."

"Ward 3 Alderman Gerry Baker questioned whether the building needed to be complaint with federally regulated ADA. He also questioned whether the entire building needed to be ADA complaint, or just the building's lobby, bathroom and meeting rooms."

Listen, Mr. Alderman Baker Moron, people don't go to City Hall just to sit in the lobby or use the bathrooms. They go there because they have business with the City Clerk, Treasurer, Planner, HR department, or Police. They can't do that sitting in the fucking lobby or the fucking bathroom.

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Or, they are the City Clerk, Treasurer, Planner, HR Department or Police.

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You are 100% correct. It would be interesting to find out how many disabled people are employed by the City of Weldon Springs. I'll bet you $1 that the figure is zero.

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Muni court is subbed out to Ofallon.

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I saw that. I wonder how accessible the courtrooms are in O'Fallon. Even here in Boone County, where the courthouse is reasonably accessible, there are two courtrooms that I can't get into because there is a flight of steps leading up to the doors. The bathroom doors are 8' tall solid oak with spring hinges and I can't open them from my wheelchair.

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It's only a couple of years old. Lake St. Louis is handled by them as well. The long lines this causes mean standing for an uncomfortable while if not able bodied.

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Try "Most."

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Imagine that. People need to actually be able to use the resources at their City Hall.

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I can't get into the DMV office near my house to renew my car plates or driver's license. The glass door is too narrow for a wheelchair. I have to bang on the door and wait for an employee to open it and push me through the door. I complained, was told that the building is rented so they have no control over this. I told them "Tell the fucking landlord to put in new doors or else you'll move the office somewhere else and sue him for moving expenses." Their reply was that I could use the other office on the far south side of town, 9 miles away, which if I didn't drive a car would require me to take a bus and transfer twice. The city buses, I should point out, are all wheelchair accessible, which is more than I can say for the DMV.

The bathrooms in many buildings may technically be ADA compliant, but many of them have very heavy doors that open outward, with no Power-Assist button, so even though you can use them once you get inside, you can't actually get inside.

The elevator and the bathrooms in the Jefferson County Courthouse where I have hearings are not ADA compliant. They told me they were "grandfathered in" because the building was so old it couldn't be made compliant. If I don't show up at hearings I could be arrested, but they make it very difficult for me to show up, and guess what? They don't care. I intend to include them in my False Arrest lawsuit.

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My late best-friend in New York had polio as a child and used a wheelchair, sometimes braces, and sometimes a scooter.

She used to write letters to the NYT, entitled: "Let My People In, The Front Door!"

(She would cry if she could see the beautiful curb cuts we have here in CA.)

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[WV] Governor Justice signs bill allowing limited at-home distilling [https://www.wboy.com/only-on-wboy-com/brews-news/governor-justice-signs-bill-allowing-limited-at-home-distilling/]

Moonshine! Revenue'ers! Jugs labeled "XXX"!

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Pretty sure anyone at home can distill. I did it as a kid. All you need is a condenser, Bunsen Burner, beaker, Karo syrup, water, and Fleischmann's yeast. Sure, it'll take you multiple distills to get that "beer" slop down to pure grain alcohol, but totally worth it ... for science.

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Except states don't regulate the production of alcohol - the federal government does.

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Forget it Jake, it's WV

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Who doesn't like to go blind?

I'll pay the extra to get my booze from people who don't make it in their bathtub.

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Only allowed in small quantities so they're using the toilet.

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Oh, even better.

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I use lag bolts and washers when I want something to really stay in place.


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I admit I laughed very loudly at this one!

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It is a good one!

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Well, he arose from the cold tomb. He didn't really pry himself off the cross.

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There you go again, ruining the fun.

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