Only "half" of them didn't seem to be accurate either.

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This would be a really good time for some whistle blower at the IRS to release Trump's taxes. Well, actually, October would have been a better time for that.

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Oh screw it. Imma go look at basset hounds for the rest of the day. Anybody want to join me?


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It'll never work, because Iroquois if you're republican.

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Vote for me, I will make full use of these developments for the betterment of humanity and those that could reasonably be confused for humanity at a distance in the dark.

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Most of them voted to fuck over the poors, non whites, queers, muslims, jews, and other groups they think are making their lives worse but aren't actually *doing* anything to them. And they are getting what they voted for. That they too suffer never entered in to their personal math.

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Yeah the god botheres who are out in right field are utterly unreachable.

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It's like with the Ferengii. They *know* the system is crooked. They just all have dreams of being on top. Except these people aren't as good as Ferengii, what with them never committing a self inflicted genocide.

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let's blot out the sun on January 20th.

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"citing the oncoming winter weather as a threat to their health"

So the water cannons, noise and light harassment, and dogs were not a threat to their health?

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Trump has a speech impediment. When he says 'Drain the swamp' what he means to say is 'Drumpf, the swine.'

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We could change the past if someone would release the patent on their time machine!

Thanks Obama!

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Apparently the IRS is either more ethical than the FBI. Or more Trumpian. I'm going with ethical, because I hate to think two major government are Trumpland.

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everybody knows that oil floats on water . . . so, even if there is a leak, no harm done just scoop it off the top . . . and since drinking water is drawn from the bottom the oil will just float up past the intakes.


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those are his lower-tier hotels

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My mother's retirement plan was to win the lottery. Yeah, that worked well for her and my brothers and sisters.

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