Oh, but they're so "passionate". Don't they get at least a few delegates for that?

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And the whiny victimy gang of white misogynists showed up and vomited chunks of wisdom right on schedule.

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Laughing at myself now, because I just figured wine gums were a pleasant periodontic condition.

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But isn't that most college students? The alcohol for sure. Less tobacco for the ones I have known recently. The kids are more into "the vape".

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1) My wonderful wife who's the best food cooker also too. 2) The poodle, puppy and princess dog. 3) The kittehs that like my lap. (yes, we have to avoid rescue events) 4) Having decided that if Donald Trump is elected I will call all Bernie Bros, Bernie or Busters and similar Puritopians Trump voters for all of my remaining days. 5) Beer.

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Maybe once I finish digging out the pond. Bloody tree roots.

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"Thought from a right winger" is non sequiter. Please adjust accordingly.

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Thankful also too for the very clever and witty denizens of the Comment/Not Comments section of the Wonkette interweb tubes.

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then why do they get mad when Hillz or Nobama does it?

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For the same reason that tobacco companies were forbidden to add fruity or candy flavors to cigarettes in a move to prevent them from attracting younger smokers (the lecturer gave the example of teenage drinkers starting off with wine coolers instead of scotch or bourbon) so they now get to reel them in with fruity flavors added to vape which doesn't prevent them from advancing to cigarettes (which is why a lot of the e-cigarette companies are owned by tobacco companies.)

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I'm a Gemini. And so am I.

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Remember this guy, also too.

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He said he's waiting for the convention, because you don't announce the winner before the last episode of the reality show.

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Thx uuuu

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"Hey! I was promised that job in the Clinton administration!"

J. Ernst

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Heh. Now that you mention it...

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