Dern liberal elitist....

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I used to signal the vendor to up her prices, once getting some gringos to pay 10 US for a ten peso watch. Yeah, I'm kind of a dick that way, but they were haggling over a couple of cents, not realizing that the vendor would have to take time off from her job to go to the bank, and exchange the currency.

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You can say shit, fuck, and dickwad, but we still know your a precious snowflake. Gotty keep it white and legal lest we offend someone. Build that wall! LOL https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Dictatorships get about 10-20% approval ratings. WE are almost there. Hoorey!

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Serves em right for being such incorrigible douches

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there's an idea. still, making them walk the plank and then charging their credit cards $1000 a piece for an "authentic experience" would be so fun. then we can sentence them to "community service".

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Hey, thats what you get when half of liberals are just closet republicons.

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Why can't they be personally responsible in this? I thought that was what the republicons were all about!

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I am literally a moron because for some reason my eye went over it and saw "You Tube" comments. I retract everything.

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Thats Data in the foreground. Who's stupid are we talking about?

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He was never any sort of functioning negotiator, or even a businessman. He's a spoiled, mean dick who squandered his father's money, and his father was right to be contemptuous to him.

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I wouldn't apologize. I can't be blamed there are so many incorrigible dumbasses and douches.

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Well to be fair we are sending our best rapists. You know tits for tat.

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The Fratholes go to Cancun because they're on an Apple Vacation Spring Rape Special. Fratholes couldn't find Merida if there was a trail of roofies, YOU DICK.

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I would really like to see those illegals being summarily deported from Mexico and sent back to the (likely) shitholes in red-state America where they came from. I'd dare Fox fucking News to give that story some air time.

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