Cripes they’ve preached free market Laffer curve and supply side for decades

So yes they know zilch about economics or at least non snake oil Grifty economics

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I like how panicked the worst people in America are. I wanna see David Sacks cry.

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“organized a host of LGBTQ initiatives including a month-long Pride campaign”

Even our nursing home did a pride campaign. It was a few free food trucks scattered through the month, an occasional newsletter, some fun contests which were all non mandatory and some rainbow streamers. And this is likely the extent of what the bank did. Exactly what initiative would cause a bank to collapse?

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If a company has millions of dollars in cash, why the hell wouldn’t they park it in a money market fund?

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Once again, we shouldn’t be running a bank like a fucking hedge fund. Might as well put your money onto a roulette board.

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Woke also causes cancer, halitosis, and flatulence.

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Because poor regulations have allowed bankers to become gamblers.

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Nothing. The root of all this is the dogma that human society is inherently and always should be, hierarchical, and any attempt to move people around in the hierarchy must inevitably result in destruction. “Woke” is the attempt to flatten the hierarchy and put everyone on the same level, this is effectively anarchy.

To the wypipo who built the hierarchy and put themselves on top of it, that is.

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Did woke politics cause the Silicon Valley Bank to collapse? The jury is still out - David Brooks

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Basically, if you just left everything to the white European males then no bad things would ever happen.

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Word on Poor Street is, Etsy was using this bank and now they can't pay their slaves. Glad I'm an eBay Slut and not an Etsy Ho.

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SVB CFO last year at this time https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Literally. The stock market is not about the efficient distribution of capital. People don’t buy stock in a company for dividends or long-term rise in stock prices. We’re effectively back to day-trading. Except for the High-Frequency Traders, who are into microsecond-trading. And the market as a while resembles the commodities market more and more.

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“I dunno. Can we rely on cheap hydrogen?”

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The financial sector is no place for social experimentation. - Bari Weiss

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