
Do I care?


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She has 5 - Tracked, Bristle, Bent Willow, Piping, and Trigger

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you forgot Slurm

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If Russia had wanted Mexico to join the Warsaw Pact do you think that US leaders would NOT have gone ape shit?

I get why it seems like a neutral idea or even a good idea to many english speakers, but flip the script and you know the US government would be out of its mind.

Knowing this, any politician or knowledgeable international diplomacy/national security expert who proposes such a thing would be proposing it with full foreknowledge and intent that the result was to antagonize Russian leaders.

That, of course, leads Russian leaders to ask, "If they are willing to intentionally antagonize us, why should we trust them?"

We invaded fucking GRENADA over this kind of shit. "Oh, they're a little too friendly to Moscow and left-leaning economically. They're obviously a horrible threat to US national security!" and that was for a tiny island with no military to speak of.

The Ukraine has a serious military capability. Russia is going apeshit for reasons that I think are mostly crap and mostly paranoid, but they're also entirely understandable and predictable. This is how any human with power acts. It's not Russians being particularly bad about things because they're Russian.

In the world of international diplomacy if we want Russia to not nuke us when we invade Grenada over our own paranoid fantasies, then we have to back off when Russian invades Ukraine.

i'm not saying do nothing, but Finland and Turkey taking the lead is much better than trying to bring Ukraine into NATO and thereby committing the US to using nuclear weapons to defend its territorial sovereignty.

I want Russia out of Ukraine. I want all war to be costly for the initiators and not rewarded. But I also understand just barely enough about this stuff that i understand that the US isn't making anything better by painting the Russians as extremists, and we certainly won't make anything better by taking the lead on military intervention.

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Kinda the same playbook as putting Clarence Thomas in Thurgood Marshall's SCOTUS seat.

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Life's a Ferris Wheel going around and around. He was up, now he's down. Is there a way to strengthen gravity??

A CPAP is NOT a ventilator. A BiPap can be, if set correctly.

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That was so her: fawning for the camera & clueless to what’s going on around her.

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One was an ex con and the other was a very poor in college.

That was the challenge.

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Möbius libelzzzzz...

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Because they're already involved in a conflict. No one insures a burning house. BTW: joining NATO requires the consent of all its members.

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He's waiting for the media and the (R)s to let him know when the caravans are close

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Waste of a ventilator that could've been used for someone who deserves to breathe.

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Flat earhers say that you are delusional...

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I agree about NATO. Ukraine was traditionally referred to as "Little Russia" by Russians. They do not want it to have a Western-aligned government or foreign policy, and especially not be in a Western military alliance. That is perhaps understandable. That said, Putin is a murderous corrupt ruthless autocrat, and using its military to chop off a piece of a neighboring nation's territory, not to mention all the subversion and covert military action they've done (e.g. in Donbass) is not something most of the international community wants to tolerate (the EU has sanctions as a result, for example: it is not just the US).

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