What If We *Didn’t* Reopen Three Mile Island To Power Microsoft’s F*cking AI? Tabs, Mon., Sept. 23, 2024
Morning news roundup!
Good lord, Tim Walz is so good at this.
Trump’s smear-lies aren’t working against Kamala Harris or Tim Walz. That’s a shame. (Brian Beutler)
The mysterious poster of hotornotdish.net: “Goes without saying, but, just in case, I disapprove of slavery.” Heh heh heh, Alexandra Petri. (Gift link Washington Post)
This is the hill House (?) Speaker (??) Mike Johnson is dying on, in exchange for keeping the government open, and Thom Hartmann’s been banging the drum about it. They are trying to disenfranchise basically every married woman who ever changed her name and doesn’t have the original of every document for every name change she’s ever had. My mom — you know her! — would absolutely be disenfranchised. So would an estimated 21 million people. (The New Republic) The National Organization for Women estimated a decade ago, when Republicans were trying to do the same thing, it would affect a full one-third of all American women. (NOW)
It still just amazes and dismays me — it dismazes me! — that people think Joe Biden’s economy is shitty (except their own family’s share in Joe Biden’s economy of course). Here’s Heather Cox Richardson to remind us all what was actually going on in 2021, since we seem to have forgotten. Damn. (HRC)
Don’t worry, women; Donald Trump is telling us what to think and how to feel, and he will “protect” us like never before. Vomit blech blorf urgh. (Joyce Vance)
That’s weird that North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson’s entire gubernatorial campaign staff just quit (CBS-17) when JD Vance is still out there defending him like a dork.
Well what up, Colin Allred in Texas! You are one point ahead of Ted Cruz in this Morning Consult poll! (Daily Kos) And hey nanny ding dong, there are now more people in Texas working in renewable energy than in oil and gas! (Doug Lewin via the Fucking News)
Trump keeps admitting, but like it is a gotcha, that AI is going to need 100 percent of our energy production, but then blames it on electric cars? Anyway, what if we didn’t reopen Three Mile Fucking Island to power Microsoft’s Fucking AI? (Gift link Washington Post)
Kamikatsu, Japan, the zero-waste town! (Nice News)
Lina Khan’s FTC suing three large health providers for artificially inflating the price of insulin. Let’s fucking goooooooo! (CNBC)
Shyyyyyy make me a DIY copper bistro shelves, the children need more beautiful glass objects to crash into! (Eclectic Twist)
I will make these sugar bacon wrapped smokies for our Halloween party, because they look like fingers. (BHG) But which Halloween party, the one for the girls’ classmates because we are gluttons for punishment, or the one for YOU on Sat., Oct. 26, 7 p.m., at our home? Email rebecca at wonkette dot com, email header I AM NOT COMING TO KILL YOU, for our address! Free of course, but donations will be accepted for the Michigan Democrats!
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It's funny because if a woman does NOT change her name after getting married she's not sufficiently tradwife and therefore too "radical." But those "feminists" are the women who would not have a problem with the new stupid bullshit Republican proposal. All for a non-existent problem. It's all so dumb and performative and an unnecessary waste of time, but that's the GOP.