Hey Matt, what does the phrase "Jew Hatred" really mean? Because it sounds ambiguous as hell to me. Like, it could mean hatred BY Jews, of you and your white nationalist ilk. And I believe you meant it that way.

Like "Freedom Fighters" back in the old times. Were they fighting FOR freedom, or fighting freedom itself? As it turned out, it was the latter, but propaganda never tells. Or it does tell, even while it lies like a Trump rug.

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So has CPAC explained what Nazis were doing at their conference? Or are they still trying to gaslight us into not believing our eyes?

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Oh give me a home,

Where the Nazis don't roam,

Where Klan members never play.

Where never is heard

Their racists slurs;

And the MAGAts have

All gone away.

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Ta, Gary. Why does it seem there are three or four CPACs every year?

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You can hardly turn around before there's another one of those fucking things in the news, even the PTA, Rotary and the Knights of Columbus combined don't get together as much as these abandoned reptiles. It is like watching roaches run out from under an old refrigerator, one by one by one, out they come and go scooting across the worn linoleum.

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Gotta make room for all that stupidity.

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Brother Hate’s Travelling Damnation Show.

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A Diamond in the rough!

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I kneel before your wisdom.

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I love that meme- "The road to Fascism is lined with people who tell you to stop over reacting."

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It’s pretty incredible that people like Matt Schlapp are able to carry on and hold positions of power despite multiple incidents of sexual assault. And it’s such a compelling argument that you couldn’t have Nazis at your wingnut ball because the REAL nazis are leading institutions and are somehow on the left. It’s confusing, but that’s ok! Misdirection, obfuscation and gaslighting are tools of the trade! Heil Drumpf!

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His victim commented on that thread about Schlapp, he said the reason he is pursuing charges is because it was so practiced (the molesting part), like he was sure he had done it to many others.

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Rethugs embrace the anti-semitic Nazis and racism in general, yet they support the Jews and Israel. Their identity crisis is not ours to fret over. They need to figure out who they are... or not, cuz as long as the votes keep rollin' in....

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They only support Jews in Israel since their presence is necessary for Armageddon to take place. Needs Jews in Israel. Of course, once the Final Battle occurs and blood of the unconverted runs like rivers to the sea, all bets are off.

They hate Jews in the US, because they can’t help bring about Armageddon. Not part of the prophecy. And won’t vote Republican.

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Jack Posobiec openly stated at CPAC that they’re working to finish the job of J6 and end democracy.


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I sure hope the FBI has a Lojack tracker on him.

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Scary as hell. Truly.

Posobiec then said, to cheers from the audience, “All glory is not to government. All glory to God.” They truly and openly want to end democracy and create an autocracy to oppress the people they don’t like, control and punish expression and beliefs, and attempt the kind of fascist regime that has failed time and time again throughout history. I hope the FBI and CIA were taking notes, and we know they are. Chris Wray testified the simmering threat to our country was far-right extremism. They are well aware. J6 the sequel could be more violent and deadly, and that seems to be the intent of many at CPAC.

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Yup, that should surprise no one.

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But just the Jewish people in Israel, right? Not the ones in Ukraine? Not the Jewish president who is resisting an actual armed invasion, featuring tanks and the compromise of nuclear facilities, who is also facing rockets and kidnappings and the systemic rape of women? Apparently that other country's right to self-determination doesn't exist, even though Hitler's killing machine cut down Jewish people there too.

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Just the ones in Israel, that they want to be killed, if they won't convert, in order to bring back Jesus (who was Jewish, so I don't know why he would take their side over his peoples). They are fucking cray-cray.

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Not the ones who will "replace us" neither.

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I don't think it's Jews ol' Schlappy wants to be friends with.

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Does he prefer his sausages to be unclipped?

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Probably thinks they are more "pure". Circumcision having started with Jewish tradfition.

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I think more needs to be made of the bad faith posturing that the right wing is doing around the current Israel-Palestine conflict… it’s not that they actually care about Jews or suddenly became not antisemitic. It’s that in their White Supremacist, faux Christian Nationalist hierarchy of relative human worth, they have even more distaste for Arabs & Muslims. So nothing would please them more than to watch two groups of people they despise maim and kill each other, while they get to cheer and troll from the sidelines.

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Among certain Christians, it's even worse than that. They believe that the state of Israel needs to reclaim all of the land promised in the book of Exodus to usher in the second coming of Christ. At that time, he will send all of the Jews to hell for not believing in him. They are very anti-semitic.

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Yeah, I’m familiar with that angle too, but that would actually require even a small amount of biblical literacy and contemplation of future events.

For the vast majority its really just another chance to revel in the suffering and extermination of people they think deserve to suffer and be exterminated.

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True. Coming from a right wing family, I have noticed a continuing decline in belief in principles. They frame everything as us vs. them. They can't comprehend a general and universal belief in human rights. There has to be a bad guy and a good guy.

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Eeeeyup! Got that right.

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Feb 26·edited Feb 26

SEE-pak [CPAC]:


'The replacement of democracy with fascism (by pretending to replace democracy with theocracy)'

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Interesting that he thinks Nazism is basically just a problem for Jews.

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Matt Schlapp, pummeling truth at length

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Doesn't Posobiec already have a record?

If he does, why does the FBI not pick him up right now??

Oh, right. He's neither Black nor Latino nor Arab Muslim.



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Was that Squiggy making the salute?

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