I bet everyone was getting a suntan from the glare.

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Don't forget the guy who threw his shoes at Bush. He got a good look at his . . . soles.

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So you think HRC, as First Lady, should have stood up and contradicted the president? Really? Are you that naive?

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In other news, Megyn Kelly is bleeding from her whatever again, wanting The Smart One™ to explain why W gets a pass on 9/11/2001 when Hilz can't get a pass on Bengahzi. http://talkingpointsmemo.co...

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Of course it is. All you have to do is say "she's a Clinton. You know she's hiding something." Or just make up some shit. The wilder the better - "a full battalion of Marines were within walking distance of that consulate, locked and loaded, ready to rock and roll, but she chose to send in Wile E. Coyote on an ACME rocket. Dubya Tee Eff, can you believe it?!"

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One can multi-task....

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Actually, the average Republican on this particular committee has ten thumbs. But that's just the average.

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Carson is ahead in Iowa. Iowa is a great predictor of ....um... uh... well, nothing.

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BUT HILLARY COUGHED!11!!! Like Dubya on a pretzel almost... wait, no. Not that. Like Monica on Bill!!! Ya, that's the ticket!!!

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Reminds me of something.

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Methane also is found in coal mines. They used to put candles, surrounded by glass, on the miners's metal helmets (so the miners could see what they are doing). Unelected bureaucrats make them used battery-powered flashlights these days, because if the glass breaks the flame ignites the gas. How does this relate to mining Benghazi? Did they mine gold? Or coal?

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With that little ground up nut topping shit?! Oh mah God, I'm sproutin' wood here!

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The world where 'faggot' is the ultimate smack down.

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I think it is generally accepted that Bill had the charisma and Hillz had the ambition and brains to keep him focused. Most of the time. Not that he is an idiot - he isn't by any means. But the adage 'behind every successful man....' was true in this case.

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I've grown weed with less intense lighting.

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Bullshit. Trey Gowdy has no soul.

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