I forget who Ken Lay is, remind me ?

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Ta, Robyn.

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I didn't know that. Thanks for the clarification.

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Did the defendant ever ride in " A helicopter *flown* by Ghislaine Maxwell ?" ?!?!?[ Ghislaine Maxwell had a Helicopter pilots license ?!?] Or was the question " [ Did ] the defendant ever ride in a plane * chartered* ie paid for, by Ghislaine Maxwell ?

Fun fact - I spotted Ghislaine Maxwell at a watering hole in Concord, MA, one summer day. An actual watering hole, not a bar. She was completely alone, and looked completely miserable. This was during her legal injunction, so I'm mystified as to how some one

* accused * of the multiple felony counts that she was, just happens to be sunning herself at Walden pond.

It was her. Her face was all over the news. I felt really confused, because I thought she was in police custody or had an ankle monitor during the duration of her trial. Also, I thought that her legal case was being tried in either NYC or DC, not Boston.

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Who is “Defendant” in that last paragraph, Ghislaine?

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Ghislaine was the defendant, as was Epstein

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I think so

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"Aaron Rodgers, a football player" - ow! That's a Samuel Johnson, Oscar Wilde, Dorothy Parker level burn, Robyn.

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Hell, technically right now that asshat is a "football watcher", although I guess he's been cleared to play.

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My kitty's FAMOUS!!! Good ol Ms. Scooter, holding it down for all the hat wearing homies...

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Ms. Scooter!

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She is the most stylish of my herd.

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To the tune of “Marrakesh Express”:

Looking at the world through the sunscreen in his eyes

Placing hands upon Ivanka’s teen-aged thighs

Dictators and MAGAts call

Legal cases, try to stall

Election results that he will call untrue

Lying to his cultists who are deaf and blind

Tried to hide away what DOJ might find

Just like dear old daddy Fred

Bring two whores to pee in bed

Wonder what Putin has got on you

Don’t you know Trump’s riding on Jeff’s Pedophile Express?

Don’t you know Trump’s riding on Jeff’s Lolita Express?

He left the Oval in a mess

Trump’s aboard Jeff’s plane, Trump’s aboard Jeff’s plane

He's been grifting all your money just to take him there

Over-combs his bald spot with his hair

Take Jeff’s plane from Mar-a-Lago going south

Spewing bullshit from the corners of his mouth his mouth, his mouth

ALL-CAPS RANTS hang in the air

Charming Nazis in his lair

Long red neckties he can wear at home

Let’s read about it now

Don’t you know Trump’s riding on Jeff’s Pedophile Express?

Don’t you know Trump’s riding on Jeff’s Lolita Express?

He wants to crucify the Press

Don’t you know Trump's riding on Jeff’s Pedophile Express?

Don’t you know Trump's riding on Jeff’s Lolita Express?

It's about time that he confess

Trump’s on board Jeff’s plane

Trump’s on board Jeff’s plane

Trump’s on board

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"Placing "tiny" hands upon Ivanka’s teen-aged thighs"

"Lying to his cultists who are deaf, dumb and blind"

"Tried to hide away what Garland's DOJ might find"


Easier to sing to the tune as well...

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Truth be told, I started with the original lyrics, then reworded while keeping each line's syllable count the same. Had to re-check some of them, 'cuz they didn't *feel* right even though the numbers were correct. 😎✌

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Yeah, It was good... I should have made my change to deaf and dumb and blind

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Oh, crap. Now all I hear is "bli-hi-hi-hi-hi-hihind...." BEGONE, SATANIC EARWORM!!!

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Who would have thought the anti-vax conspiracy nut with a history of concussions was wrong about something?

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well i, for one, am shocked

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I'm going to go out on a limb here and speculate that: It is highly unlikely that any of those very well-educated men who flew on the Lolita Express and claimed they didn't know about his "proclivities" didn't know what Lolita means.

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Nobody called it that until Epstein was indicted.

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And just like the MSM would do, they made a reference that they undoubtedly had no clue about, having likely never read the book and maybe never even seen any film or stage adaptation.

For what it is worth, it was a well-known fact that Nabokov used to ride the city busses to listen to the stories and the rhythm of the voices of teenage girls. Also, my mother used to see him out tending to his garden whcih was next to my parents' house long before I was born.

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On the news this morning:

"Former President Bill Clinton was on the list... the former President this... the former President that... the former President also... [mumbles really fast] oh yeah, and Trump was also on it... [mumbles even faster] 50 times."

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"sex creep/financier Jeffrey Epstein"


Wait, "financier"?

So he actually had a job? Besides pimp?

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Acquiring large sums of money from untraceable sources and investing it in obscure ways, if you can call that a job.

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It's a Cat in a Hat!

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Yeah😁 that's my fur baby. 😻

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Is there something about having too much money that turns people into despicable a**holes? I'm sure it won't happen to me, though. Dying to find out.

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'I've never been a millionaire but I know I'd be just darling at it.' -- Dorothy Parker

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We could use a bunch of Dorothy Parkers today!

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Hell, I'd settle for a Molly Ivins.

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Oh, Yes!

It would've been great if instead of Shrub we could've had Anne Richard as President and Molly Ivins as VP. The only problem is that you can't have a Pres and VP from the same state so one of them would have to move to somewhere like Lake Charles, LA - quite near the Texas border.

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Because who doesn’t sneak into private houses for massages from little girls, amirite? BTW, today, no shit, Dersh is suggesting that nobody can criticize his “conduct” unless they also criticize Hamas.

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What is it with small-minded people that they can't imagine hating two groups? I am perfectly capable of hating two groups that hate each other, hell I can simultaneously hate a third group that isn't even related to the other two. Hate doesn't run out. So yes, I hate Hamas and the Israeli army, and if I cared enough about Dersh to read up on them, I would probably hate them too.

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Fuck Hamas and Fuck Dersh to, with votes and rusty chainsaws

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Its pretty easy

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Fossil hunting on the Pine Ridge Reservation? WTF?

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The new "Hiking the Appalaichian Trial"

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