Kуда мы идем одни, мы все идем.

I dunno if that's "original" Russian, but it's the best I can do. I'm not an expert (I was moderately fluent back when I was a grad student, but that was in the nineties and I've gotten rusty), but it seems pretty nearly as illiterate and ungrammatical in Russian (well, that bit of Russian, anyway) as it does in English. On the gripping hand, though, the Russian version has the plural form of "one" in it, which is always kinda fun.

[edited to fix my weird brain-transposition of idem into odnem; not sure where that bubbled up from]

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Hilary is Q.

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I think that's already started. The thing is ... how absurd is too absurd?

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Upfist just for the Niven reference.

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Crash Test Dummies! Excellent 1999 memory music. So brilliant and underrated... they were cursed by their one hit wonder, unfairly dismissed by the hordes ever after. Not unlike another utterly brilliant, political band, Chumbawamba, who were in constant rotation in my car cassette player c. 1996-1999. https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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The Dummies were HUGE in Minneapolis (went to grad school there) and saw them for the first time at the "U". Was a great big sing-along!

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My house is very small (1000sf), one story, very well insulated and surrounded by shade trees. It's been an absolute revelation that houses can be cool in summer and warm in winter. My old place was 100 years old, plaster and lath with a single layer brick exterior, drafty as hell and no central air. Utility bills were astronomical.

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No, she's the dean of curriculum.

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When are people going to stop referring to these things as some sort of childish tantrum and start calling it what it is:


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The guy was in charge of finding Bin Laden. No fucking wonder it took so long to discover Bin Laden was living more or less openly in a large complex sited in a major city of the adjacent nation that sponsored him.

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My brain reads Erin Perrine as Evita Perrone, every time. There isn't a loony bin large enough. And WWG1WGA sounds more like Dumas than anything else.

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8chan needs to die.

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It did, they brought it back as 8kun

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You would have to been Dan Quayle kinda stupid to drink the Q-lade.

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There seem to be a lot followers for people who believe they are rugged individualists.

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