The superior genes driving policy in the White House.
Oh dear, Stephen Miller, the youngster white supremacist fuckboy who serves in the Trump White House, is having a day. He did part of the White House press briefing, so he could defend Donald Trump's BRAND NEW BILL (introduced in February and languishing in the Senate since then because nobody fucking cares) to Make America Great Again by severely limiting legal immigration to the United States, changing the green card program to a merit-based system focused on letting people in who have money and don't have to press "1" for English. Why? Because these pussies are scared of brown people. Don't you all realize racist piece of shit white male professional victims with 75 IQs are having their last stand before they die and spend eternity in the stupidest ring of hell? Catch up, motherfuckers, because that's what's happening right now.
This briefing ... did not go well.

Li'l Stephen started to get his back up when Glenn Thrush from the New York Times asked him to cite some actual statistics showing that giving green cards to foreigns is murdering all the Americans. After some back and forth, Miller was like "MEOW!"
Miller tells @GlennThrushhe'll "make a carve out" in the bill for NYT to hire low-skilled workers, "then we'll see how you feel". ( @MSNBC )
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) August 2, 2017
I watched Miller and Acosta for about 1 1/2 minutes, and then the urge to be very very ill overcame me. So I stopped watching. Stephen Miller is so utterly worthless. I mean, whoopeeeee. He's got a bachelor's in polisci from Duke. He worked for that brilliant mind Michelle Bachman (sp?). He worked for that brilliant legal mind Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions. He worked for the Tea Baglettes. He wrote the "American carnage" speech for clump. He was known as a racist and white supremacist when he was at Duke. And, to my shame, for I am Jewish, Stephen Miller was born to two nice, liberal Jewish parents in Santa Monica, CA. I wonder if Miller realizes how much the red-meat base of clump's party hates Jews. Boy, he's gonna make their lil heads spin. (Calling the spirit of Roy Cohn. Calling the jailbird Bernie Madoff. Calling the crooked Daddy Kushner.)
Am I the only one who doesn't like it when sites like wonkette co-opt alt-right words and phrases like "cuck"?