So yes, you can vote for Walker and still be a racist.
I'll go one further than than -- Walker ("my African-American", as someone like Donald T***p would shudder-inducingly put it) was put up as a candidate SPECIFICALLY
a) because he would vote whatever way McConnell and the other Confederate Republican Senators would want him to vote with no independent thought, and
b) because then people who ARE RACIST could specifically try to assuage their own guilt over their own racism by saying "I'm not racist - I voted for a Black man" without any regard to whether that specific Black person
Same reason they support Uncle Clarence Thomas being on SCOTUS.
I mean - thinking "I support ANY Black person WITHOUT REGARD TO QUALIFICATIONS OR LACK THEREOF as long a they submit to people who look like me and who will prioritize my interests 100% of the time WITHOUT REGARD TO FAIRNESS OR EQUITY" is pretty much the textbook definition of racism ...
... but I don't count on people who would behave like that (and clearly there are literally tens of millions of them) to give their own behavior that level of self-scrutiny.
If nothing else, their anti-trans obsession finally got Caitlin Jenner to STFU. We don’t hear her whining about how homeless people are ruining her private hanger any more.
Some of them are getting really surly. They expected the senate races would be a cake walk for republicans and now they’re frustrated that democrats are actually making them fight for it. Not just Walker, but Oz, Vance, and Johnson are all getting pissier by the day.
Walker is the perfect African American Republican, he is more in character for what Republicans want a black man to be than any stereotype Amos 'n Andy role ever was.
He's stupid, follows his lines and always asks "How was dat, massa?" at the end of every show.
Sounds **MUCH** more rational than the Romance languages were every frelling thing has to be referred to by its sex, with male pronouns predominant. In Spanish 10 women is 'ellas', 10 men are 'ellos', 9 women and one man is 'ellos'. And don't get me started on irregular nouns like 'mano' (hand), which should be masculine because it ends in 'o', but for some reason is feminine, or 'agua' (water), which should be feminine but isn't.
Yep, it a feature-not a bug. "What the heck is a pronoun anyway?" is a less than subtle shout out to other uneducated, learning averse voters who feel others are (rightfully) looking down on them for their ignorance.
So yes, you can vote for Walker and still be a racist.
I'll go one further than than -- Walker ("my African-American", as someone like Donald T***p would shudder-inducingly put it) was put up as a candidate SPECIFICALLY
a) because he would vote whatever way McConnell and the other Confederate Republican Senators would want him to vote with no independent thought, and
b) because then people who ARE RACIST could specifically try to assuage their own guilt over their own racism by saying "I'm not racist - I voted for a Black man" without any regard to whether that specific Black person
Same reason they support Uncle Clarence Thomas being on SCOTUS.
I mean - thinking "I support ANY Black person WITHOUT REGARD TO QUALIFICATIONS OR LACK THEREOF as long a they submit to people who look like me and who will prioritize my interests 100% of the time WITHOUT REGARD TO FAIRNESS OR EQUITY" is pretty much the textbook definition of racism ...
... but I don't count on people who would behave like that (and clearly there are literally tens of millions of them) to give their own behavior that level of self-scrutiny.
Most grotesquely, [Lindsay] Graham said if he wanted to see "every liberal jumping off bridges in San Francisco because Herschel Walker won."
Oh, Lindsay, you smarmy, lifelong faker. Wait'll Putin's file on you leaks.
Honestly, you sound more like an electroun, Zap.
No more elitist grammar. Its they're/you're time now!
Particularly as he got older, my father wore it as a badge of pride.
Its they're fault for not wearing girl-condom.
Why do republicans want us to be like Russia and China so badly?
If nothing else, their anti-trans obsession finally got Caitlin Jenner to STFU. We don’t hear her whining about how homeless people are ruining her private hanger any more.
Some of them are getting really surly. They expected the senate races would be a cake walk for republicans and now they’re frustrated that democrats are actually making them fight for it. Not just Walker, but Oz, Vance, and Johnson are all getting pissier by the day.
Walker is the perfect African American Republican, he is more in character for what Republicans want a black man to be than any stereotype Amos 'n Andy role ever was.
He's stupid, follows his lines and always asks "How was dat, massa?" at the end of every show.
Sounds **MUCH** more rational than the Romance languages were every frelling thing has to be referred to by its sex, with male pronouns predominant. In Spanish 10 women is 'ellas', 10 men are 'ellos', 9 women and one man is 'ellos'. And don't get me started on irregular nouns like 'mano' (hand), which should be masculine because it ends in 'o', but for some reason is feminine, or 'agua' (water), which should be feminine but isn't.
On the other hand, if you did get a pony you'd be cleaning up a **LOT** of poop.
No, we'll just shake our heads and pity the poor non maga zombies in Georgia who have to endure him for 6 years.
Yep, it a feature-not a bug. "What the heck is a pronoun anyway?" is a less than subtle shout out to other uneducated, learning averse voters who feel others are (rightfully) looking down on them for their ignorance.
I just don't think I can watch election returns next Tuesday night. I'll probably find something mindless on Hulu...